
The filming not being consensual drives some of what i said home in my mind; this kid is not by default some screwed up child acting out because she needs love. She could be a normal human being exploring sexuality. She shouldnt be shamed for it, and people shouldnt force her into feeling bad or guilty about it, or

while funny... it is advisable that if you arent a fan of 'slut shaming' to just avoid using the word slut completely. I loath the idea of a 'slut'. We shame a woman who has the sexual appetite of habits of a man by calling her a slut? I will never understand why that is something to shame a woman for...

this childs life is not forever ruined. She still has many fold possibilities ahead of her. We can foster an air where we create a self fulfilling prophecy of doom gloom and failure, or we can foster an air of over coming trite and minor stupidities and live a normal life. And we are in a world where lots of people

i was going to say something like that, but with more venom. everything else the person said i missed because of that inexcusable line.

Wait, holy fuck. A post I made about an actual event that too place was moved? A guy please guilty, a judge over ruled, and that is somehow me blaming the victim???

Another example of how one cannot have any honest discussion here.

Size makes it difficult and more dangerous to improve your cardio. Size effects co-ordination, impact on bones, a persons comfort level exercising, requires more effort, etc. This notion of 'you can be fit and fat' is an exception and not the rule. Its an exception that people seem to like to point out a lot, and use

When heart disease and obesity related health issues are no longer the #1 cause of death people can stop announcing their wght loss goals and successes.

Well, Jezebel is known as being as fair and balanced as

It's called snapping. Its called being beyond reason. Your can logic this until you a blue in the face, but until you understand that basic principle you just wont ever get it. When someone does this shit they arent in their rational mind.

i recall a case in england where the guy plead guilty and the judge let him off for murdering his wife because she was an abusive nag. this was in the late 90s..

*us*? Sorry, I think GenX is the majority :)

how is this the worse commercial? what proud dumb ass rated it likes this?

note, no one is BLAMING anyone, they are giving cause.

they are still not correct, since mac's do get actual virii.

wrong. a trojan is not a virus. please at least read the wiki.

I'd go back and pick up some of those chicks I missed like missed power ups.

This would be another example of your fine ability to problem solve. I'm 42. I've been aware of plato's cave since about 14. I think you should claw your face off for your own comments that guess wrongly. thank you.

It's not pretty fucken simple. It doesnt work that way. How do you know you are not a construct with implanted memories in a holographic world? Your parents could be implanted memories; like a replicate from blade runner. And your current experiences could just be misc senses being fed to you.

We both say it happened, we both have faith in it. I trust the evidence. I only question/assualt/insult those who find it absolute and without question.