
free speech and all that... but shit like that does make me want to punch people in the eye.

You are correct that I am guilty of stereo typing. Fair/unfair? subjective, but I believe I am being fair. I'm ok with you holding a different opinion and at a different moment in time might even agree with your sentiment.

I ask 'what is the goal' a lot. It's actually one of the most important questions i think we can ask.

hmmm. I've been informed 3 times this week that I was the source material for masturbatory sessions. I dont think the scenario you painted fits these women. It can be a power play just as you described, but the intentions are going to vary as much as people vary.

while true, the above was not messed up.

I knew/know a guy who has a serious foot fetish and is somewhat an extrovert. I recall an instance at a part where he was playing chess with someone, broke out a1 steak sauce, poured it on his toes, and started sucking them during the game of chess. His opponent, an asian guy so small he crawled into a bat mitten

Alyssa should apologize and then step in front of a bus.

that is because jesus is basically an asshole who thrives on that kinda shit.

I'd like to see the jezzie's chime in and shame her for being a pathetic human being, but Frankly I lump jezzie's into the same category of douchy jocks high fiving each other in the locker room at the display of some overtly sexist or racist deed.

most adults and reasonable people understand 'your mileage my vary'. this goes for 'gross over generalizations' also. disclaimers... i think they are like signs next to a fire pit that say 'hot'. the person who would stick their finger in the fire isnt smart enough to read the sign either.

I knew very sane and reasonable women who once stopped taking the pill... she has never actually regained any of her former sanity. She was a woman with a career, children, and self sustaining in every way. I was dating her when she stopped taking it, out of medical concerns (nothing actually wrong, but out of the

dude, because its true. the guy is a trollish illogical jackass.

Truth. There are other editors just like him out there also.

Jesus Diaz... i've had a run in with him. he's an illogical jerk.

yeah. i might be right there with you. I've deleted lifehacker from my tool bar, might as well ignore the rest of this shitty writing.

Find new women friends. My nieces are gamers. Several rather hot women I know are gamers, wow players, and afew of them play(ed) actual non-computer roll playing games.

Um, sounds a lot like a certain set of related blogs...

Ah, so not only is she a bitch, she is a bitch who will re-write history in order to 'save face'.

I was going to say the same thing, but was banned from lifehacker for pointing out an artical was shitty. Some authors cant take it i guess.

So... How will the jezzies justify this?