
Correct; morality is inherently subjective to the goal which they serve, but that does not leave me with no grounds to attack you. The morality of your god, and of the bible, and all the judea-christian religions, threatens the continued existence and happiness of mankind. Since I'm a huge fan of mankind's continued

wow is all i can say. wow.

these were well into reruns when i was seeing them. I think Annette was mostly done with beach party movies by the time i was watching the original mickey mouse club.

and the purpose of posting those was that you read them, that you come to understand that the god and book you serve is a vile piece of hatred and immorality, that serves only to destroy humanity with its vomitous ideas. that god and jesus are selfish, evil, vile, hate filled figments of a deranged imagination. it is

um, no dude, homosexuality is not a moral issue. you have been brainwashed by stupid. What is VERY dangerous for all of humanity is this bigoted mindset that says homosexuals are a danger to scoeity. A danger to straight couples? Bahahahaha. You send me a link to HIV... This pretty much exposed you as being ignorant

""No amount of "good deeds" (by the way, I am curious to know by what objective standard you define good and evil) will make you any less of sinful. Actions have consequences, but trying to earn salvation through our own works does nothing.""

Then the LORD said to Joshua, "Do not be afraid or discouraged. Take the entire army and attack Ai, for I have given to you the king of Ai, his people, his city, and his land. You will destroy them as you destroyed Jericho and its king. But this time you may keep the captured goods and the cattle for yourselves. Set

Kid, who are you posting this for? You are lying to yourself for what reason? God back, read your bible, read it a few times so you actually understand it. Your view point is the standard view point of someone ignorant of the facts found inside the text of the bible.

this entire thread is you, a person who clearly has not read the bible in any detail, trying to defend it and god. really. you should quit right now and go read the bible. it will be the first step in turning you away from this nonsense.

Xisid; um, hitler was a christian. Google facts before you talk.

It also reveals a Jesus so trite, petty, and full of himself that when a fig tree had no fruit to offer him he cursed it so that it would bare no fruit for anyone again. Jesus also told SLAVES to be obedient to their masters, and said that women are the servants of man.

Um, sorry, the new testiment does not negate the old. Please give biblical citation to support your stance.

No, Its contradictory. If you deny this then you lack the ability to understand what you read. What I actually suspect is you are like everyone else; you havent read the bible, you only regurgitate what others (who also didnt read the bible) heard someone else say in a huge game of telephone; where the guy who

No. Maybe you should actually read the bible. It's full of god telling people to murder children and women on a regular basis. Really, READ THE BIBLE before you defend it.

+1 internets.

Nova from star blazers and Annette Funicello on the original mickey mouse.

"The glory of Israel will fly away like a bird, for your children will die at birth or perish in the womb or never even be conceived. Even if your children do survive to grow up, I will take them from you. It will be a terrible day when I turn away and leave you alone. I have watched Israel become as beautiful and

Once god sent the Israelis to kill everyone in a some random city. The arm returned, having spared many women and children, and god was pissed, he sent them back to kill the remaining women and children, when the army returned he killed half of them and gave the rest open sores.

A shock to who? I predicted this.

the words are the words... jesus promoted slaves to be obedient. scholars? I laugh. I come from the perspective of the actual words written in the bible with no spin.