
Not all opinions should be embraced... but that would be another thread. Your opinion on this is not one I despise, it is one that I can admire. I wish you well in your endeavors here, and hope you and others like you, blaze trails that open more doors for those who come after you. One cannot begrudge, and really has

Unexamined privileged? are you stoned? It seems the lot of you need to lay off whatever drugs you are on and actually examine and understand what has been said.

Wow dude, all I can say is you are irrational and confused.

i was under the understanding that we white people were created by a mad scientist. this 'finding' must be bunk!

Please point out where my comment is ignorant; ignorance is unknowing. Your comment is void of recognition that what i said was the true; our culture is biased against some anems, thus the path that ensures you get a job is the one that involves a name change. where is the ignorance there? where is the unknowing?

I would like you to spend the next week educating commenter of fox news and then come back and tell me your results.

MLK was pushed into his role, he did not come out swinging on his own.

you dont understand that discrimination is all over the place? Havent paid attention to the world around you?

have you seen the rucks mindless bigots have rised over the name barack hussein obama? while this man was successful with a name like this, the majoity have not faired so well.

lots of america is xenophobic. the immigration issues here? its not about jobs. its not about resources being spend on non contributors. its not about crime. it's about hate and this mindless concept of the priviedged people were born into should be shared with no one. i think the first world bs has breed a country

Yes, and starve while doing it... Do you have a some magical way we can enlighten society? I'm all ears...

man. that is a funny and tragic story. lol.

it's weird. i have only met white women named Tamara.

Lets consider for a moment the rape culture in some african cultures atm. If there was a mode of dress that would lend itself to be being raped it would be advisable to not wear it. It might even be advisable to disguise oneself as man.

pink isnt well, he's back at the hotel, and they sent us along as a surrogate band.

I'm a fan of eating things I cant pronounce, on a regular basis. Please do not confuse an observation of the bullshit system society here has set up with how i personally feel.

if you are insulted, be angry at society, not me. i'd hire people with names i cant pronounce.

I agree, Padro and Jamal arent because the name is hard to pronoun, its because people hae preconceived notions of what people with those names are. the people is ofcourse people are assholes. unfortunately its mostly the assholes who make the rules and do the hiring. we can working on changing the minds of the

english american folk dont change their names because their arrogence mostly would not allow them, and because many of the other societies dont have this issue with names. why change your name if it is not impeding you?

Yes, please, by all means, tell this to everyone in a position of hiring.