
the perfect woman? unless she is a chameleon or shape shifter not even close.

Ok. So you complain about something 'men' are doing to women and then turn around and do it back to men? If you do that make sure to cram the horse of morality someplace uncomfortable, like the back of a volkswagon.

Shame? Of what? I would be ashamed of society for investing so much emotion into this subject if the holocaust hadnt snuffed out any faith i had in humanity a very long time ago.

It's important to quantify suffering and unfairness when determining a course of action that seeks minimize said. Wording such as 'more unfair' rings true. It is the lack of recognition that there is plenty of unfairness in these situations to go around. What we see is people saying "No, its fair that the father is

This post did not violate the community policy. I also cannot seem to find this moved post, it appears to have just been deleted, not moved.

No, it is unfair for someone to have to pay for something they did not intend and did not want; just as its unfair for a child to be born into a world with no support. This is a problem whos solutions are unfair to everyone. The failure to see that stalls dialogue on possible solutions to make it less unfair for

So, how to you reconcile a man having to pay child support for a child he did not intend ot want?

We currently revoke driving privileges and jail dead beat fathers. I've seen a number of lives ruined because they couldnt catch a break in anything and child support piles on. The punishments for not paying child support make it impossible for people who have not 'established themselves' to ever get into a position

Do you see me advocating any solutions to this issue at all? No. So I am unsure where your idea that what I am advocating is pro-life; if anything I am advocating (and I am not, AT ALL) that men have a say in abortion; neutral stance on abortion.

The choice in south dakota are MOVE. And yes, I understand that choice might not be easily/readily available to all for various reasons and that its a pretty shitty choice anyways. What would I tell a rape victim from SD? "Your state fucken sucks, get the fuck away from those red neck POSs." I think my empathy for

Reality; in our society only women have the right to choose whether they have an abortion or not. This decision is made after the fact. Not sure what you think I am having difficulties with since I stated clearly that precautions against pregnancy should be on the mind of males.

If the man didnt include the woman's name she has no legal leg to stand on as far as the law suit.

What he means is that the woman alone has choice when it comes to weather to have the baby or not, and the sperm donors have no say yet will have to pay child support regardless. One has to admit there is something unfair there. I have no fair alternative to offer up. It's just one of those unfair things in life. Use

Ok. This is what I consider plus sized, and surprsing to even myself, that woman is not bad looking. A little bit of hang, but the curves are attractive. Sitting down some of that may turn to unattractive folds. or maybe not. At any rate... that is plus sized. Not those women in vogue.

I'm thinking that same thing. I dont see these as plus sized. I also think that jeze even calling these women plus sized is a kinda self sexism that kinda makes go 'wtf'.

Not to be a jerk... but I dont consider those plus sized models. Marilyn Monroe? Also not plus sized.

I wouldnt call a $1170 car a "real car".

I know of a spot at a camp ground where you can pull bluegill out all day. I hit that sport several times a year. I'll try this next time. Just looking at it I know I can make it work.

I neg just by nature of my character. Once I was introduced to the idea I made a conscious not to neg anyone I was actually interested in. I, and my friends, are often immature ball busters. Ragging on each other for fun, sport, and love. Looking back at some of my relationships I know that negging was a factor in us

tried that... meh.