My tomatoes are all green and these are GORGEOUS! I’m jealous! I can imagine the wonderful smell from here.
My tomatoes are all green and these are GORGEOUS! I’m jealous! I can imagine the wonderful smell from here.
Thank you! :D
Thank you!!
Thank you!!!
Thank you! My stomach only wants bad things: ice cream, soda, breads. And I have to eat ever two hours night and day or else it’s like my stomach acid wants to crawl up my throat. But it’s for a good cause! I’m so excited for this period to fade, to start showing and be able to tell everyone, and at the end of it all…
Oh good luck! Those waiting days are the WORST! I tested like four days before my period and the line was so faint it made the suspense even worse. I’m crossing my fingers and knocking on wood for you!
I’m finally on time for SNS and it’s the end of all things! I hope Jezebel doesn’t change too much. I’m a lurker but I have a secret, lurkey love for y’all.
OMG YES the scary story contest! That has to stay, I literally wait for it all year and I’ve been getting more and more excited as we draw closer to October. I neeeeed it where else will I find content that won’t allow me to sleep for a week straight?
That blurb is horrible. Did anyone edit it at all? It ends with a preposition! If she wasn’t already so famous agents would laugh in her face.
Sounds like you know what you have to do. Good luck, and treat yourself afterwards as a reward for surviving it!
Since you already RSVPed, maybe you can just be “sick” on the day of and not show up? She can’t prove you weren’t really sick, so no hurt feelings, and I think you said you were giving money to cover your plate anyway so no money lost for her. You can take the day, relax, do something fun for you, turn it into a good…
Our first dance was the Book of Love Peter Gabriel cover, because I love the song and my husband worships Peter Gabriel. We had a “last dance” too (in that we played it right when we were ready to leave, but everyone danced and no one but us knew it was our last song) and that was It Never Entered My Mind by Miles…
You are so beautiful and I love how the tree behind your head in this pic looks like a crown!
Don’t go. My ‘friends’ came to my wedding only to leave as soon as they possibly could with the flimsiest of excuses. Believe me, she’ll notice. It’ll hurt her less if you just make an excuse and don’t go.
I gotta say, I thought that bridle was a giant googly eye for a disturbingly long time.
Glad to hear they’re not all haunted! I’m actually not a ‘believer’ but I am easily frightened, so in the dark of night when I can’t sleep (or when I read scary stories) I suddenly start thinking anything is possible. I figure I’ll take precautions just in case. I mean, I spent a huge chunk of my childhood in a…
We’re hopefully going to buy our first house in the next six months, and I am SO worried it will be haunted! I don’t know I’d do, you can’t just flip a house you spent all your money on. :-( I’m seriously contemplating having someone sage cleanse whatever place we choose before we move in.
I look so forward to this that I started rereading old ones the other day and then had to sleep spooned between my husband and dog I was so spooked. I’m so excited!!! I won’t sleep at all tonight!
I had a honeyfund strictly to help out my friends who are underpaid but who I knew would want to give me something as a token. We already lived together and had everything we needed, and I knew my family would give me checks, but my friends wouldn't feel comfortable giving me just a few dollars. So I set up a…
I had really bad cystic acne that accutane controlled for a while, but I wasn't able to finish the cycle and it came back, not as bad but enough to be noticeable and embarrassing. The one thing that helped, and I've tried everything, is one vitamin A a day. It really helps keep it under control and it's super cheap.…