
LightStream is super easy to work with and their rates are pretty decent.

I was geeked at first thinking this was The Forever War.

Maybe it’s the stories I read, but I remain impressed how the people we train to go overseas and fight can handle this type of shit so easily while cops lose their shit if someone so much as looks at them wrong.

Just because the sequel trilogy was bad does not retroactivity make the prequels good movies.

“Is this your restaurant? she said. “Motherfucker, I will fucking drop you. You wanna go? You wanna go?”

perhaps make the “new account” more prominent. maybe in the opening paragraph.

This upset was made that much odder by the fact that an NFT of Boseman was one of the gifts given away in swag bags to the ceremony’s attendees.

Beat me to it.

I’d bet money we find life in this Solar system (off the earth). If not life, then solid evidence of life in the past.  Hopefully in my lifetime, but I would double that bet and say within the next 100 years.  

Nah - there’s just too much “stuff” in the universe for us to be rare or unique.

For all the density of solar and planetary bodies in the visible universe, it’s entirely possible life as we know it really is an aberration. We assume organic life is the be all end all expression of the universe, but maybe we’re just some weird mutation that rarely happens.

oh man, those ads were incredible.

i don’t even wanna think about how many hours i put into halo 3 lol

That’s a good MST but not a good movie at all. 

tf2 at 120 hz is gonna be nice.

After playing Walt Disney and Mister Rogers, I think Tom Hanks is contractually obligated to take the part.

I mean, it’s gotta be someone who does a credible Kermit The Frog.

Since Kermit’s voice is very close to Jim Henson’s natural voice.

They did better though at making things more rounded than their previous effort.

Seems common sense that any good action film doesn’t keep the tension going the whole time. Take Fury Road, the whole movie is arguably one continuous car chase but it doesn’t keep the action going the entire time, instead there are natural pauses to the tension before they set up the next action sequence.

So the movie has a script? That’s a nifty idea.