
I really enjoy the first one as well. I give the edge to the third one just because of old Spock watching Vulcan blow up from a different solar system in the first one is ludicrous. 

Now that would be an Indiana Jones adventure I’d watch. Indy breaks into the movie studio to find that folder and destroy it before it unleashes untold miseries upon the world and destroys the fond memories of the childhood of an entire generation.

*lights torch*

Paging Michael Bay!!!!

It’s that big!

I know how this movie ends...

Nailed it.

Seems like the Kelvinverse is the Star Trek equivalent of Marvel’s Ultimate line: an attempt to update an older media universe in order to attract younger fans that became irrelevant once most of its stylistic and conceptual distinctiveness trickled down into the original mainline franchise.

Star Trek Beyond was the best of the 3 Kelvin timeline films. I’d like to see another one, honestly.

Caity was having WAY too much fun with her Shatner impression.

With Rami Malek as DATA

Kelvinverse: Deep Space Nine

Kelvinverse Next Generation!

Agree. As uncomfortable as I was watching a way-too-old Indy jump into refrigerators in Crystal Skull, I was equally bummed to have left the Casa Blanca/Tales of the Golden Monkey universe of the 20s/30s and punching Nazis for the boring 50s and “the Red Menace”.

I think like a lot of Boomer IPs, Indy only really works from the mind of that generation who would appreciate and understand the era and media Indy was tethered to. Ideally the franchise should end but in the Era of Content, every IP will be rebooted til the audiences tell the studio to F off.

Sad that there already was a perfectly good successor actor for Indiana Jones, and he died of an OD in what, 1993?

Yeaaah.... thats a pretty high level of punitive damages.  I guess you should pay a half million to the awesome dude on the excavator under the bow.

Meh. I’m not impressed.

Where the hell is the 90s show on disney plus? I need to revisit it and the dvd is out of print.