
I’m still mad about how that played out.

No, I’m really surprised it got a second season. Maybe it’ll get better, like Discovery did, but I doubt it.

Beat me to it. Cagliostro by a mile. Then for me it is My Neighbor Totoro.

And they’re choosing to market themselves this way. “This ain’t your granddad’s Christianity. This Christianity *fucks!*”

Castle of Cogliostro, for me. Miyazaki’s style works great with the humor and visual capering of the Lupin crew.

That guy is what would happen if an Ed Hardy shirt became a human. 


I’m a 63 year old librarian and there’s no way I’d be able to stop myself from pantsing that guy.

no driver would ever consider playing on a console while operating a car

Wow, what a ruckus just cause Harry married a black woman.

Said it before, and I’ll say it again: I’d never get into EVE Online, but reading about it is endlessly fascinating. 

Nail on the head... with a bullet.

This is absolutely disgraceful. The Nashville PD should be counting its lucky stars that all he wanted to do was destroy property, not kill people.

I love how a girlfriend’s highly specific and unprompted statement, corroborated by a lawyer who also represented the alleged bomb builder, that the guy was building bombs in an identified location is seen as insufficient for a warrant to search said location, but...

LOL. I’ll allow it! 

Wonder Woman 1984 is unique in that it’s a standalone film without the burden of all the other DCEU films weighing it down, and yet it still manages to be a muddied, difficult to understand mess.

And one more thing...she could have just called the fucking phone...

And who doesn’t love hearing that after hours of hair and makeup and wardrobe and exercise that you’re still not as hot as an inanimate object. 

I know the movie has a lot of detractors, and to a degree I get it (yes, we know CGI Jeff Bridges is a rubbery uncanny valley and I’d love for them to go back and deepfake in a better version), but I absolutely love the movie and this soundtrack in particular is a big reason. I also grew up both with the original

2020 just wants to say “I lava you” before it leaves.