
Use of chemical agents (repellents and/or more lethal) by plants and animals is reportedly very common in nature. Is that tool use? Maybe. I don’t know. An example, however, of intelligent species tool use is as follows: blog commenter searches, “natural repellents for wasps and hornets” on google (a tool). It’s

Contrary to what young people learned from Dora or their school; this is the proper response to bullies.

Same! I watch that movie every year on Thanksgiving, and every year I fast forward through that dirge of a scene.

I’m sure that she didn’t bridle at the gift.

While there’s no word yet on how amenable a Biden administration will be to funding future Moon missions

The best part is they have another 120 ton prototype basically ready to go after they have reviewed the data from this test, and SN10 isn’t much farther behind that. They aren’t just testing a rocket they are testing an entire assembly line and manufacturing process for them

It is to the wittiest commenter, withers go the prize of top place. 

when it started the flip up maneuver at the end I literally shouted “holy shit, they’re gonna pull it off!” and then immediately laughed as hard as I have in a long time when it went RUD.

not out of scorn, but out of pure joy that they have the balls to approach this whole enterprise in such a fearless manner.  these

I came expecting horse puns, and I didn’t have to wait furlong.

he’s apparently a hell of a guy.

might even say he’s got a whinny personality.

Snakes are far too elegant of a creature to be associated with the likes of this mouth-breather.

I mean . . . it’s possible she’s lying about her age in addition to everything else.

The only way any of the last four years makes sense is that they literally put in mind control bugs in closed door meetings

I think it’s the fact that she’s cosplaying a blond Sarah Palin.

It just occurred to me what must be under that ridiculous bun of hers.

33?  I thought she was pushing 50. Maybe it’s the hair and glasses? Or maybe it’s just the crazy.


“I would take it seriously if it came from Trump, because Trump cares about American lives,” Carone said, adding that if television networks friendly to Trump such as One America News or Newsmax “told me to go get tested, I would do it.”

Don’t look now but the morons might actually wipe themselves out. Also, I’ve got

These people have fucking snakes in their brains, and can’t be helped.