
So Basically Rent-a-cops are trying to emulate the militarization of real cops, who stole it from the actual military, where challenge coins are rare and kind of a douche thing that only involves buying drinks anyways ( I have a CSM coin so I would usually dodge that bullet, but there’s always that guy who yells

Same here. I’m intrigued by the Republic and Separatist stuff that came out, but considering that game was already draining my bank account, the upgrade seemed like a nice place to stop.

Interesting that the Star Wars games are moving. I pretty much rage quit X-Wing when they came out with the 2nd edition that basically forced you to spend a ton of money just to be able to keep playing.

This is the best use of this meme in a while.

Brutalist architecture.

Concrete Communist Block

After he refused to pay them because he claimed they did a “substandard job”.

And then sue the subcontractors for not saving all the oil for him.

Nah, Feige said that Boseman was their T’Challa. There won’t be a recast. IIRC they were supposed to start filming in Jan/Feb before everything happened so I think this push to next summer is to update the script

Yep. Shuri herself has been BP in the comics in the absence of an injured T'Challa

My best guess is that Black Panther 2 is built around the loss of Boseman. If there is a constant theme of Coogler’s movies, it’s loss. Fruitvale Station dealt with the impeding, unjustified loss of Oscar Grant. Creed dealt with Adonis living a life without his father. BP dealt with both T’Challa and Killmonger

Trump could have saved BP 63 billion by simply claiming the oil leak was a hoax!

Trump would have demanded money up front and then, two to three weeks later, declare the well capped, problem solved, the curve had been rounded and crisis was over. The waves of crude still reaching the shore and the flaming drilling platform were just “fake news”.

Ford was never brought in on a whim. Geroge had very specifically said he didn’t want to cast him as he was casting only unknowns and Ford had just been in American Graffiti (which was written and directed by Lucas).

I’m not big on multiplayer most of the time, is there an option to go against AI opponents?

Yeah, there are a handful of amazing players. I can score 10+ kills in a dogfight regularly, and can pull off some 20 or even 22 kill games occasionally, but there are people to can just straight up crush me.

Yeah, I felt like I was running into one of those “legitimate aces” every game I played last night.  It was brutal.

it’s great to see EA pulling it’s head out of it’s ass.

Squadrons is probably the best game that came out of EA in the past year. It’s also one of the best VR game. It’s so amazing to keep track of enemies ships with your head in a dogfight!