
You know what?  At this point I am totally down with some aristocrats getting overwhelmed by peasants, no matter what the weird elements are.


Like, goddamn SkaOreo, thank you for being able to express why I haven’t played a final fantasy game for a while.

The most frustrating part is that for its many faults, FF8 already did the part where they deconstruct rule of cool by showing you how much a fucking mess that kind of hero is, not in a “cool brooding” way but a “cripplingly disconnected from people in a way that gives him severe anxiety” way (y’know, in case Cloud’s

The problem with a lot of FF—and I’d argue this was a thing starting with Kingdom Hearts/Advent Children is that these things were first and foremost solely concerned with “the rule of cool,” but instead of doing the legwork to make, any of it matter beyond “shit looks cool,” it just settles on having characters yell

Apologies to Bob Ross.

That was quite some roast. Last time someone got roasted that much, he came back as Darth Vader.

Not to mention Josh Brolin himself.  He’s a good sport.

Thank God we’re confronting all of the major issues of the day. 

“I’ll just say that, you know, no set piece, no X-Wing, no Millennium Falcon could compare to the sheer scale of Josh Brolin’s head,”

“I think that in order to bring Dune to the screen, I had to be as close to nature as possible and to make Dune as close to us as possible. So when people will see the movie, they will be amazed by the power of the landscape... [and] most importantly, they will feel strangely at home.”

As Austin Powers would say, “Obi have!”

Personally, I think it makes total sense that Kenobi will only have wan season.

Can there be any doubt that Don Jr. and Eric are Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dee?

I understood that reference .gif

This set is galactic history erasure!

No, see, Lego is in Europe so they sit on the other side of the automob—I mean, cantina booth.

Our phones are just trying to filter out the bias from the sky pushing its liberal climate change narrative. 

to mike’s credit, at least this is an actual game review. 

You missed the biggest flaw of all: