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Any fair assessment of blockbusters from this decade would ultimately end up with Mad Max: Fury Road and The Avengers as #1 and #2. The only real question would be the ordering, and justification. Mad Max is, weirdly enough for a film whose screenplay was essentially assembled in the edit, pretty much the apotheosis

Definitely not what a Jeep needs. All the folks who actually off-road them will likely confirm.

Oh I LOVED that game, as I did most everything Rare put out with the N64- they were by far one of my favorite developers in the 90's. Now... yikes.

No kidding. Just wear a life jacket, for Christ’s sake. ESPECIALLY when you have your kid with you.

That’s what we all thought about Banjo, Conker, Jet Force Gemini, etc, when MS bought Rare... Whoops.

Yeah, back when it was a fantasy, and not the sad state of wealth distribution in the country. :’(

This strangely reminds me of one of my childhood movies Blank Check(1994).

It all begins with a swarm of pidgeys flying slowly over a Raikou and dropping pokéballs on it.

You misspelled Rogue One. 

Thandie Newton and Keri Russell were minimized... unforgivable.

Imagine getting Thandie Newton for your Star Wars movie and killing her off after she says five lines.

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It’s easy to knock Abrams for his flaws as a director, but I think Star Trek has held up pretty well. It actually kind of helps that Abrams doesn’t really “get” Star Trek and delivered just a pretty decent space opera action movie without trying to delve to deeply into fan service or lore. Kelvin Universe Kirk and

Never had to work outside for a few hours in 100+ degree heat, have you?

So long as this guy comes back, I’m good. 

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Let me give you instant goosebumps if you were deep into Toonami and GW back then.

TNG was the rough draft, DS9 was the proper manuscript. They did everything better. 

That Picard blurb is just another reminder how much better DS9 did at handling the characters relationships with each other and with romantic interests than TNG