
Really, your fantasy entry is Harry Potter and not the ultimate sick-day fantasy movie, The Princess Bride?

Fourty two thousand dollars,,, for an automatic, fwd, sub-250hp hatchback....

what the fuck is this lmao

I agree that it sounds good on paper, but the end result hurts my brain trying to put it together.

Remember when Superman DEFINITELY wasn’t in Justice League?

io9: “Guys, Hopper’s back!”

I'm glad they didn't treat us like idiots, we knew the obvious.

I mean, I guess it's surprising that they revealed it in the very first teaser?

I mean it would have been surprising if it was anyone *but* him. We all knew this was coming 

“What’s wrong, Dark Helmet?”

On the other hand almost *everything* with Luke and Leia from the sequel trilogy was a disaster.

Now playing

I think it was touched on in this fan film.

I hate it when they bury this kind of stuff in tie-in materials!

Also see Trump.

This. I don’t care is Nissan is being petty at this point. Ghosn is a rich asshole who misappropriated more money than most of us would earn in 10 lifetimes, yet he’s living it up at home. Fuck him and fuck anyone standing up for him. He’s not your friend, he’s not vulnerable, and he’s certainly not innocent. You will

I don’t think any of the charges against Ghosn are for embezzlement. He’s being charged pretty much with tax evasion in Japan. Yeah, there’s shady shit going on; but it’s pretty clear from what’s been coming out that Ghosn wasn’t a lone actor in this thing. Nissan was giving him the money willingly. They just did it

And he’s going to get a fucking movie deal on top of it all. It’s disgusting.

Yeah I don't really want our publicly funded roads to be a part of corporate beta testing

2nd Gear: The whole Ghosn saga is an object lesson in what rich people can get away with just because they’re rich. The dude embezzled millions of dollars from a company and managed to just run away scott free, while an average person would go to jail for shoplifting. It’s absolutely absurd.