
It’s showing ~160kmh on the onboard just before they go off.

Yea, but on the on-board you do see “gear 6, Throttle All green” That surely let’s you know they were hustling.

+1 thetan

Come on, they are happy to clear you of the dead aliens ghosts that make you feel victimized and only for $250k.

Elisabeth Moss discussed how The Invisible Man is about the fact that victims of abuse are rarely believed.

Two things. One mando season 2 must be really good to fill the gap.

Wait!  3 Portal songs posted on the 23rd?   23 being 20 plus 3.  The year is 2020 or two 20s put together which makes 3 “20s” total.   HalfLife 3 confirmed in 2020!!!!

What’s to explain? It was an earworm of a tune. They happen. It was a corny song but wormed, if you will, into people’s minds.

Despite having rather overwrought lyrics and being kind of annoying to listen to ...

if someone could explain the appeal, it would be much appreciated

I was asking for a friend, BTW.

Tweel: The preferred brand of getaway drivers everywhere.

This is going to make police spike strips useless, no? Also, no more shooting out tires in movies.

Looks like they reinvented the wheel.

NewYorker-esque cartoon: [two tentacled aliens regarding Rover McRoverface] “We’re safe. It’s only seeking signs of ‘past microbial life’”