
Wonderful. Especially after that puke inducing pep rally before the game led by Wahlberg. How does Marky Mark have the fucking the gall to go on national TV and tell the tale of the amazing SB comeback he didn’t actually witness because he left the game early when the Pats were getting shit stomped?

God damn it.

Oh, LaBeef. Why Hollywood tried so desperately to make you the next big leading man, I shall never know.

Cowboy Bebop: The only anime I refuse to watch in anything other than its english dub.

Boooo! Death to the traitor!

This. Make a fucking Z35 already.

No need to insult vaginas.

How dare you!

Nissan Rogue. My god, I don’t see the appeal. Underpowered, outdated interior, and the epitome of America’s decline into the normalization of crossovers.

Lotta good memin goin on, this is my fav.


From Hardhome Depot, of course!

They have a Dragon...

2022? What’s with the long development?

That’s not what’s being said here at all. You should sell your Miata as soon as possible to the lowest reasonable bidder—me. And bask in the glow my smile projects. That’s the real reward.

*jerking off motion*

He’s in the middle of a parking lot. I think you can relax on this one.

I hope you aren’t referring to the huge swinging punches he throws in that video. Those are so slow Floyd can have Stephen A Smith blow him between dodges.

Farscape is easily one of the most underrated science fiction shows of the last 20 years. In fact he might have taken more lessons from it on showing how a group of dissimilar people become a family.