
the space military, duh

It looks like he’s about to take a piss.

yeah i know. It’s wishfull thinking on my part.

Whoops, that’s what I get for not paying closer attention. When I read the MvC article, I mistook the announcement of MvC3 Ultimate’s PS exclusivity for being about Infinite.

My mistake. I misread the MvC story (confusing MvC3 Ultimate for MvC Infinite) and didn’t watch the trailer itself.

“There were no ‘Where is Roger’ chants during the Steelers dominating victory last night, period.” #SpicerFacts

I’ve played them all excluding V, but I think Vice City should rank higher based on soundtrack alone.

They’re all varying shades of great. That Vice City soundtrack, tho!

I’ll take a Freelancer-esque anything at this point.

Man I hear ya. I never thought I would say this; but honestly the best thing they could do for Titanfall 3 is double down on the single player. Make a truly fleshed out universe, double it in size and length etc.. Multi pretty much could stay the same.

Yeah the release date was beyond crazy. People can only play so many games, especially online competitive shooters.

Man, I really hope so. Titanfall 2 is the best shooter I played last year. That universe has the makings of becoming a Halo or Half Life if people just give it a chance and if EA stop being complete morons when they make decisions on when to release their games.

You should see the response to that question when it was posed to Respawn and EA in a joint presser.

Titanfall is having a hard time becoming a thing. Will we see a Titanfall 3 or do they try something else?

It would be unwise to say he isn’t!

They would have to find the right host if it wasn’t Conan. He’s pretty much the whole reason why it works.

Don’t star this. Keep it at 40.
