
Fine I’ll go with something a bit more contemporary. His pager bill.

That’s just Bezos’ dry cleaning for a couple months.

*Reptile has entered the chat*

I’m good with that!

Excited for this. 

Agreed. MCC is the greatest video game collection ever made. Period

An elegant toy. From a more civilized era. 

DS9 really did rock it. But yeah we need Khan - UC here. 

Director choice is solid now give him a bunch of money to make this work!

9/10 Would plug in.

Most exciting DC movie coming out. Well maybe Matt Reeves’ Batman. 


You have done that yourself. - Obi Wan

Solid non-melting point.

I’ll raise a glass of Romulan ale to that. 

I feel like this could be ample opportunity for a joke about somebody’s mama but I also feel cheap and shallow mentioning it. 

Agree with your agree. Give me a young 20's Indy globetrotting with a crazy Professor and his badass daughter while performing “research” for the university and getting into all kinds of misadventures with Nazis/fascists’/locals/U.S. Army etc.

*sharpens pitchfork*

The original will result in me throwing frantic karate moves and attempting to run up the nearest wall IMEEDIATELY.

While I respect your opinion I believe 2009 was better. The 2nd one is best left unmentioned.