
Yeah I really like Van Helsing. Its silly fun and never takes itself too seriously. It probably helped that it came out when I was 15 and had a smoking hot Kate Beckinsdale in it (basically why I liked the Underworld movies too)

Thnx for your comment!

As someone who named his 4 y/o son Elliot this makes me happy. Not just because someone is bravely asserting who they are but because that name will now be associated with that same bravery. Good on you Elliot Page. My Elliot will learn who you are.

I was surprised too! Very very cool and eclectic ensemble there. 

If this ends with Mando having to kill Grogu to keep him from killing a lot of others...well that might break me. 

I think it’s also such a literally beautiful example of human ingenuity and engineering in a wild landscape. Any trip to Puerto Rico I would take would absolutely have included a visit to the dish. Even the pictures of it falling apart are beautiful.

For sure. She’s way too good a character to have one and done.

I only look at BAT for motorcycles now. Everything else is just ridiculous.

This is hilarious. Sony’s refusal to embrace BC has really soured me on them since the PS3/4. Yeah yeah they have amazing exclusives but that’s all they have. Xbox is so much more all-encompassing. Just look at the Master Chief Collection for a prime example of how MS recognizes that classic games are important to any

Yeah while Contact is an amazing movie...Goldeneye is this place’s most famous movie.

She realized she couldn’t train him as Grogu’s connection to the force stems from his paternal relationship with Dinn Djarin. She also doesn’t consider herself a Jedi and probably believes the Jedi order is not worth saving. She also sensed fear/anger from the dark years Grogu spent as a captive. She was worried he wou

All you need to know about this movie is this:

I stand corrected! It sure is nice to have you as Arbiter in these comment sections.

Agreed. That crew didn’t waste any time and did exactly what needed to be done. 

I dunno, that’s a Reach.

You + me = Same

Also it features the best live action space battle since the prequels. Return of the Jedi still has not been topped yet...

Darth Vader: “Jeans he alright.”

Can’t speak to electric cars beyond a VW e-Passat I drove a few times but watch videos of even experienced riders getting silly with the Zeros. The instant insane torque is fun in a straight line on dry surfaces but twist the throttle too much in a turn or on wet stuff and that torque flips you to the ground faster

Rogue One is a good Star War but agree with everything you said besides that.