
Can’t speak to electric cars beyond a VW e-Passat I drove a few times but watch videos of even experienced riders getting silly with the Zeros. The instant insane torque is fun in a straight line on dry surfaces but twist the throttle too much in a turn or on wet stuff and that torque flips you to the ground faster

I have a piece of concept art of Black Panther coming soon and I can’t wait to frame. Still so shocking we lost him. He instantly elevated any scene he was in. I’m sad he wasn’t in Endgame more but his entrance in the final battle is an all-timer.

Saw pics and video of this yesterday. One of the angles has him emerging from the flames like a damn superhero in a hollywood movie. Insane crash with thankfully no loss of life. If Grosjean calls it quits after this nobody would blame him.

I would gladly watch that horrible horrible show if all they argued about was architecture.

Yes and a SP campaign. The fleet battles, even with real opponents, have AI kill fodder too.

For sure. A lot of being good at this game is spatial awareness and keen eyesight. I just learned you can double-tap A to target the player firing at you. That’s helped!

Squadrons and Fallen Order have saved Star Wars games for me.

Agreed the new Miata makes me forget its a Miata for a bit. It looks bang on.

That’s ok actually. I’m just playing this for the story. My gaming tastes haven’t included musou for a while. I’ll burn through it, sell it, and wait for 2077. I’m actually happy 2077 was delayed a bit to give me time to get through AOC. 

2020, I swear to all that is sacred...DONT YOU DARE.

Seriously. As someone who knew a really great coworker who tragically lost his wife to a drunk driver this guy’s buddy can go fuck himself. 

This is why autopilot should come with speed limitations built in for use.

Four Seasons Landscaping just found their new delivery vehicle.

Jon Lovitz once smashed Andy Dick’s face into a bar repeatedly because Andy verbally pissed on the grave of Phil Hartman which he helped dig. We all owe Lovitz a high-five for that.

What do you think paintball and airsoft are? FPS video games and laser-tag...come on amigo. Militarism as recreation was freaking invented here.

So much butt-hurt here. LOL

2020 is like...ok ok you’ve been happy for 12 hours. That’s enough, let’s not over do it.

The greatest video game trilogy of all time.

As a very proud democrat and proud owner of a tastefully modded* white Gladiator Sport S I got all excited for a bit then realized that yeah...they were probably dealer loaners. Still was awesome because I imagined it pissed off A LOT of Trump jeepers. Also Happy Holidays everyone ... ;)