

I’m very excited for this. I love the concept and can’t wait to see where they take it. Vision and Wanda have the best MCU romance besides Steve/Peggy and Bucky/Sam ;). Also that scene in the trailer where Wanda wears the og costume... 

You and I would be friends methinks. 

This comes out on my birfday and I couldn’t be more excited. This is my kind of dumb. 

Jon Lovitz once smashed Andy Dick’s face into a bar repeatedly because Andy verbally pissed on the grave of Phil Hartman which he helped dig. We all owe Lovitz a high-five for that.

What do you think paintball and airsoft are? FPS video games and laser-tag...come on amigo. Militarism as recreation was freaking invented here.

So much butt-hurt here. LOL

I like the game ok, my video game preferences left Dynasty Warriors style games behind a while ago, but its the story that interests me the most by far and why Nintendo has my money on this one.

2020 is like...ok ok you’ve been happy for 12 hours. That’s enough, let’s not over do it.

As long as you don’t call their phony line with your phony phone to report phony votes. 

Lots of fans whining about them using Tat again and I’m just sitting here like “I don’t care as long as its good Star Wars.”

The greatest video game trilogy of all time.

As a very proud democrat and proud owner of a tastefully modded* white Gladiator Sport S I got all excited for a bit then realized that yeah...they were probably dealer loaners. Still was awesome because I imagined it pissed off A LOT of Trump jeepers. Also Happy Holidays everyone ... ;)

Eggs weren’t fertilized yet and she laid like a bunch more in the hotub.

I applaud Anne Hathaway using the apology to highlight good people actually doing something about this instead of the angry internet commentariat.

Twister is one of my favorite summer movies ever.

Give us the 3 mando confrontation in The Good, Bad, Ugly style and that would be so badass.

Palpatine, somehow, has returned.

Well I like this infinitely better than Funko pops.