
I am fully aware of my “This is obvious clickbait, sorta mean-spirited, and I clicked it/commented multiple times” hypocrisy..but...*sigh*...we’re all bored I guess.

I feel like this headline is meant to whip up Nintendo fans into a tizzy.

That gives me the Quibi Jeebies

$30 is probably the max I would pay. Basically two full price cinema tickets. Not terrible and basically what the hell else are we gonna do right now.

Loved it just wanted more medieval madness. They could easily do a full prequel of Charleze’s character discovering her powers.

I used to own a 2004 A4 Quattro. Don’t touch this with a 10 ft pole.

LoTR. Nice.

*Covid-19 secretly whispers* “Hail Hydra.”

I’m biased. I owned one and loved it.

First year only

5 spd in 88

*adjusts monocle* I dare say is that one of those new horseless carriages those mad bastards are always chucking about in?

I hope Nintendo drops all the Zelda on Switches next year for the anniversary. Wind Waker HD, ALBW, Etc. We’re so due.

Nah decent 88 Gts in $7k - $9k all day.

Tracy’s take is the best take. Fieros are the best bargain in collector sports cars. Get a 88 GT 5spd.

And I like to pretend its Quint’s ancestor from Jaws.

It’s so good! Definitely an unknown gem.

This is one of my favorite Voyager episodes. 

I’m in. 

The absence of Robert Shaw and James Earl Jones from Swashbuckler is heresy.