
I love it. Come at me.

And you ate a whole wheel of cheese?


You guys should really stick to Sports....Cars. ;)

As a sarcasm aficionado inject this post into my veins. Grazi.

Whoever invented these probably deserved a Nobel prize.

Hell yes. It's already an Ace by definition. 

Check out the butt on that one!”

I have this issue with a ...different substance. Good on you for realizing the need to be healthy outweighs the need for a buzz. Life is all about balance.

Anyone ever heard of Dust the tabletop game? Very similar aesthetic. 

2 Jalop 2 Nik

Thats an obscure MCU gif from the probably the least seen MCU movie and it totally fits. Bravo.

I passed my last review (5 yr anniversary weekend) with flying colors. I look forward to more opportunities to prove my usefulness to this organization. 

Man you went to the way-back machine for that. Bravo and +1 Kinja

I honestly wouldn’t mind this review. Lol

Try a Livewire instead. Much more reliable and cheaper. 

Led Zeppelin is criminally low on this list. 

As a Sacramento Kings fan I strongly resemble your remarks.

Gods when I watched this movie as a kid with my dad he would cackle his ass off at this scene. Everytime. Thanks for bringing back good memories. 😁

Impressive. Most impressive.