
Why did I not get a CTS-V when I could’ve... Cadillac farting around is gonna make them go up in value and I’ll never afford one.

I’m sorry Dennis I gotta go, we got cows!

It is most definitely that. Spouse and kid zap up a lot of time

As a father who took his 2 y/o son to a trampoline park last month you’re pretty much spot on.

He’s one over-sized lollipop away from being a schoolboy.

Sometimes the World Wide Web restores your faith a little.


Not as dark as your vision will be when you get that last concussion. 

I want all the Futbol players in Football because it reminds me of Rhys Ifans in the Replacements. Also fuck any sexist pig who says she wouldn’t be an asset. A leg is a leg is a leg.  

I grew up in a very rural area. My arcade was an Area-51, T2, Pac-man, and a Gauntlet Legends machine at a pizza parlor 20 minutes away. I loved those machines. I remember going to Sam’s Town every now and then and being so excited running around just looking at the different games I would waste half the time my

I find it hard to believe you are that curious but job, wife who works full-time, 2 y/o son, friends, and the fact I try to get at least 6-7 hours of sleep a night.

That sounds very nice but I don’t even want to think about what my backlog will be in 16-ish years. :)

I started this game and really wanted to love it. I just don’t have time for it. I love the battles but the in-between stuff and relationships just take too much time. I rarely have more than a few hours a week to play. I love RPGs but I’ve had to dramatically change the types of RPGs I play in the last few years.

He may not have seen it by he DEFINITELY taped it.

Hell yes.

Hey let’s play NBA games with one hoop now. They can just clear past the 3pt line and reset. The other half of the court can be an interactive fan-advertising experience so people don’t have to be bored by the actual game.

I just signed off PoGo to go to bed and said that’s enough Pokemon for tonight....oh how naiive I was.

If it wasn’t for that damned Bill Murray...

As a Fiero GT owner I also feel slight outrage and disappointment. 

There were no brawls at the game I was at. Just passion and political messages.