Model 3
Model 3
Beat me to it!! Lol
He’s just helping him with a Crick in the neck.
Their Severance Package amounted to $7.18 or $8.60 if they were a Pro Member.
It’s why Lego games will never hold a candle to the real thing. Physically assembling something in your hands is not replaceable.
Diablo was the very first memory of another gamer being awesome online. I was running around town with equipment I thought was “good” and then some guy drops a TON of amazing armor and weapons for me and we proceeded to play for hours and hours. I never found out who they were but that man or woman was an absolute…
YES!!!! Pretty much the only reason I regretted selling my Xbone was this game. Happy day. I can wait for that sweet sweet single player. Hopefully it’s not too downgraded.
Man these Fieros are selling like hotcakes!
A year for $70? They’re gonna hook so many people with this.
When does basketball start up again?
Both of that kid’s parents should be slapped numerously and vigorously.
Correct take.
Red Dawn: Movies Attack
This is gonna get a lot of awards.
God yes. I see a beat to hell Suzuki Samurai with awesome 90s graphics and it looks so much more interesting than almost any new car. #MakeCarsRadAgain
Sal$a Verde!
I’ll see you there! Cruising in my Red Fiero GT with the roof off of course.
Meanwhile I'm just laughing over here driving my 88 Fiero GT.
Does the $575 include attorney fees for the inevitable divorce following purchase? :)
That’s a BIG CP on the SurveyMonkey.