
Thank you for a thoughtful answer without resorting to internet rage. Live long and prosper.

Sheesh it was a valid non-confrontational question. Testy testy.

1st timer here.

I hope so.

Are people still playing this regularly?

I never get tired of Tomsula jokes. They’re free; that’s why Tomsula loves them too.

Star-Lord mask with Bluetooth speakers? Shut up and take my units.

Is this real life? I honestly can’t tell.

I could watch it with a buddy and a drinking game. Like drink every-time a line makes you audibly groan.

Nintendo has an opportunity to blow the roof of E3. New Metroid, NEW Starfox, and a couple other good third party games would make me buy this system.

This is a big E3 for Xbox. Excited.

Fuck this.

The only time I’ve ever felt it was absolutely necessary to glitch a game was on the final boss (Warden) of Halo 5 on Legendary. My buddy and I spent hours trying to beat him on co-op with two AIs. It was so frustrating and stupid even watching multiple strategy videos. In the end we found the re-spawn glitch and said

I already hate the NFL OT rules. This would be incredibly stupid as well.

Gotcha. I’ll have to try again.

I stopped going to GameStop. Amazon Prime killed any reason for me to go there for new games. Any used games I get from a local retro store. Support local if you can. I like a lot of the employees at my local GS but line wait times and having to endure the constant conversations about pre-ordering or pro membership

Finally we beat a team that wasn’t in the NBA finals last year. Now if we could only beat teams in our own conference then we’d be onto something.

I might need another lightsaber for my collection. Already have Anakin’s blue saber, and Luke’s ROTJ saber.

Desktop connected to my TV so I just pause and switch inputs if I need to look up something real quick. Or my droid.

So say we all.