
Interesting. I don’t think it’s the game for me then. I’m hoping against hope that House of the Dying Sun makes it way to Xbone someday.

WTF? Going into your inventory to recharge shields? Uhhhhhhh

Good to know. I want House of the Dying Sun to come out for regular consoles so badly.

Lol. I wasn’t expecting that. So how is the ship v ship combat? None of the reviews I’ve seen mention it much. I know it’s not a large part of the game but it’s the activity I’d probably want to engage in the most. Is it even feasible to “make a career” bounty hunting or pirating like Elite Dangerous?

Well I guess Xcom 2 just shot up the importance list for me.

Oh wow. This just doesn’t jive well with me. Final Fantasy games were always a complete story package. Beating the game was like finishing a long and satisfying book, knowing you reached the end of the journey. This is so lame.

Hell yeah. Beta Ray is the coolest.

I was suckered into contributing based on my pure and unadulterated love for FFT. They got me on the name-drop factor and the initial art they posted. It’s the first and last Kickstarter I ever contributed to. How this de-evolved into such a big cluster fuck and not even remotely resembling the initial game is so


Don’t jinx it!

I feel uniquely qualified to comment on this because I just bought a used Wii U last night. I wanted to play all the Nintendo games on it before the NX comes out (mainly the Zelda HD remakes). Already 5 hours into Twilight Princess HD and enjoying it so much more than I ever did on Wii. I snagged a used Wind Waker HD

Pidgey is next on the false excitement list. Followed by Ekans.

OMG a Pikachu on the balcony! I can’t wait to catc....

I have to walk around to find my pokemon stops. There is a gym within sitting distance of my desk though. Have to level up though

Lalala don’t care. I’m seeing it. Welcome to Earth.

Life. Dinosaurs ————>Homo Sapien expansion. Give or take 64 million years. ;)

XCOM: Enemy Within. BC on the Xbone, Enemy Unknown free on GwG..... and XCOM 2 announced for this September!! XCOM fans just had the best week ever. Oh and I’ll play a little Elite: Dangerous as well.


Elite Dangerous! Space rules.

That looks freaking amazing. If Netflix keeps reviving awesome cartoons with this level of quality I will never cancel my sub.