
I suspect the message of the Alt Right upsets a lot of people because it invokes what terror management theorists in psychology call “mortality salience,” namely, reminders of vulnerability, failure and death. Look up terror management theory and see the experimental support it has - you will see human behavior in a

I didn't find the BBT episode funny at all.

Why would feminists want to defend Charlize Theron, a South African actress whose family benefited from white privilege under apartheid?

This "warrior woman" nonsense in films has to stop. Women in the real world can't pass U.S. Army Ranger training. Yet Hollywood wants us to pretend that women after the apocalypse can kick men's asses.

I hate to spoil all the nerd grieving over Nimoy's death, but while Star Trek made a certain kind of sense in the late 1960's (nearly 50 years ago!) when the U.S. and the Soviet Union had real space programs which tried to do new things, one after another, that time has long since passed. Given the regression in

I find it fascinating that Ayn Rand's world view, despite its deficiencies, has turned into a kind of alternative humanism for Americans on the right who don't care much for religion. And that this has happened in an unplanned, Hayekian way through the sales of her novels & supporting literature in a competitive

Fortunately leftists have never idolized sociopaths & murderers like Stalin, Mao, Che Guevara, etc. Why I doubt you could even find a t-shirt with Che's image on it.

I'd like to see our culture take a less haphazard/more rational approach towards teen sexual development, especially regarding boys' sexual debuts so that they don't miss an apparent developmental window in their late teens and wind up like the men in TLC's Virgin Diaries. I know a businessman in Florida who lives in