As if I couldn’t love this show anymore they throw ROXETTE in to mix????? Squeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Growing up West Indian* Every school/church bazaar dance, secondary school May Fair and, as an adult, every back-in-times fete, this is a surefire spin! Level flex!
Yup, that’s how we grow them in T&T ;D
The creepy doctor story is based on an Australian show. I started it on Netflix and just...couldn’t. Not much hope for the American version. The rest of the shows are meh at best EXCEPT for...
“a little to eloquent for his own good.” = uppity negro
You’re so right! The writers have become so self-important, literal, humourless and judgey. I mainly stay around for the commenters.
In fact, People reports that in yet another break with royal tradition, Meghan Markle and Prince Harry may not even have a hospital birth.
Nicole is a Trumpist??????? Say it ain’t so,pleeaaseeee!!!! :’(
Fuck them all.
Harpo, who dis woman?
I have nothing really salient to add other that “wow, your writing is, wow”.
Yooooooo, are you me?????
That’s how I read those “books” also. Her analysis was spot on!
Well played!
Anyone else remembers that Ty had an E! True Hollywood story? Just me? Ok.
Lorrrrdeeeee, that bone structure!
Kathy Bates’ character in Fried Green Tomatoes did it.
The eyebrows, right????