
I’m truly touched by your testimonial regarding Artie Johnson.

I had the pleasure of knowing Arnie Johnson for a number of years. Funny that when he told me what he did for a job I didn’t believe him because he just didn’t seem like a CEO much less the CEO of Lotus USA. Then a few days later I saw his name in a quote in an article about Lotus on this very site. I was like maybe

Thanks.  V-6 with four speed.

Yours is the better and more reasonable automobile.

I have my Fiero on snow tires for RallyCross. Totally the same thing, right?

This right here. In upstate NY the Turkish American owner of the Chobani yogurt company hires a ton of Syrian refugees and other immigrants. Not only do they work harder, but they pass drug screens and eventually become grateful proud citizens. There has been blow back from the oh so welcoming local Republican welcome

That purple color yo!

How ironic that groups demand acceptance of their life styles, rights, freedoms and expressions but would not tolerate others’ life styles, rights, freedoms and expressions. Chappelle has as much rights to express his views as anyone.  He made fun of his own race and others for decades and no one raised issues.  Switch

a joke was “interpreted” by someone to mean something that they thought might be offensive...

1. 4% off the population identifies as some flavor of LGBTQ+. How many trans people can possibly work at Netflix?
2. Those three employees were disciplined for crashing a senior executive meeting. If you pull amateur, unprofessional garbage like that in any profession, you will face disciplinary action. Full stop. The

Since many ask about context:
“Any of you, who have ever watched me know that I’ve never had a problem with transgender people. If you listen to what I’m saying, clearly my problem has always been with White people. I have been arguing with the Whites my entire career... Why is it easier for Bruce Jenner to change his

Fuck ‘em. 

Oh no, what will they do without those 6 employees?!

NDAs suck... we desperately need legislation to crack down on NDAs that don’t directly involve the protection of legitimate industrial IP. No one should be forced to sign an NDA that hides a company’s culpability just to avoid years of painful litigation. The former occupant of the White House loved NDA’s as a way of

You can actually buy one ?

Around a decade ago, Elon Musk and Tesla had a great idea. They developed an electric car that was the opposite of what we had come to expect from one. People thought electric cars were slow so they made it fast. We thought they took forever to charge so they developed a way to charge them quickly and built the

Yes, good point, but these dogs have a wider range and there would be indigenous people elsewhere that may have some knowledge of them that they could share.

The Indigenous tribes in that region may be uncontacted (or minimally so), hence the prohibition on going into the field to recapture Oso and replace the batteries in his tracking collar.

While Oso’s situation as a tamed “pet” seemed poor (letting other dogs take his food and boss him around, etc), people seem to forget that taming wild animals is why we have anything domestic now. If no one had tried to endear a wolf to humans, we wouldn’t have dogs (to be simple about it). There is nothing wrong with

I agree that the PAG years were really good for A-M. For a time in the aughts, you could fairly say that Aston had the best design language in the business.