john smith

Actually no, it was supposed to be pointing out the immaturity of the people making comments like the people above. Gay straight what does it matter, implying things about the sexuality of a broad swath of the population is not healthy or appropriate.

hahaha gay jokes about our dedicated servicemen...this was supposed to be funny right?

I am still not buying stock right now.

No...its not sex all the time, he is in a romantic is part of it

I absolutely adore Dany in the books, but I think she has little idea of how much blood it will take to conquer a kingdom. This the process she is coming to realize...seizing the throne will drown westeros in blood...unless she gets to fight the risen and then just hailed as a hero...but that sort of flies in the face

Pretty sad

Yeah I would have to agree there. If we include Facebook games sure...otherwise...yeah I think not.

Few things wrong with this...she takes a swing at him, it escalates he swings back and seriously hurts her. Advocating this as behavior to be admired and imitated is just stupid and reckless.

You want it cleaner than that, you do it. I am cleaner than my girlfriend so I do the cleaning...I don't bitch and wine about it I just do the cleaning till it is at my level of satisfaction. If the guy isn't clean enough for you to the point it drives you insane then you are stupid for being in that relationship.

Not really, I find many atheists fascinated by conversations about religion. I actually have a theology undergrad before I went onto get a useful degree (I kid I kid), and this isn't about getting to laugh at peoples faith...I have always found religion genuinely fascinating despite my own lack of faith.

Oh I agree, I would love it if more women took a hand in these type of things. I would prefer more collaboration. Alas I have no such luck.

The bulk of the responsibility is usually on the man to make the date fun, at least the initial few. I have never had a first date where I didnt organize it...even when I have been asked out...when we met she asked me what I had planned. I was only saved by quick thinking and a list of good restaurants nearby.

Really it boils down to boys/man boys being terribly insecure and reacting with mockery. They are idiots and hopefully they will grow up but if not...ignore them. I know you may say "stand up to them" but trolls feed on the attention. If someone is rational yet horribly misinformed sure take your best shot...otherwise

Hating on actress (an amazing one at that) for how big a bitch the character she portrays is...well that is just idiotic. Especially when she is taking time to mingle with fans.

Yes yes, typing are both wise and hip for pointing out a small error on the internet.

I get that body shaming is bad, I get that slut shaming is bad. As a teacher though seeing 13 year old girls flashing panties, and with necklines that would make strippers blush...I almost wish more people would talk to their kids perhaps not about modesty...but what is simply inappropriate. We are a society and we

Well montreal is pretty much an English speaking bastion... I think I liked it better when all the democrats wanted to move to Canada.

Stay out of my province damnit!

I am curious how this data measures up against the information about the much higher prevalence of suicide in male victims of bullying than women? Are women more likely to carry the long term scars but that men who make it through that dark phase without resorting to such extreme measures are better able to deal with

I can only speak from my own experience but women rarely seem to value that as highly as a paycheck.