john smith

Yes but the vast majority of the people in the first story did blindly defend her for having a vagina.

So in this scenario we believe the woman because why again? Frankly they both sound like horrible people.

I guess I don't really count as I am not a dad yet...but I do the dishes, cooking and cleaning in the house...the other half does the laundry. Plenty of household tasks are being divided differently these days.

Not trying to be coy or offensive here, but I often find the same thing true (I.E written by a woman). I wonder if it is because we simply have less empathy for those whose mindsets are different from our own?

Sexual oppression of women is disgusting...but yes being tricked into raising someone elses child because your wife/partner cheated on you is absolutely heartbreaking...that the child you loved and raised is not yours. You may continue to love and cherish them...but your relationship is now tainted by the memory of

Thats right women never do anything irrational at any point, if there is something wrong it is your fault so shut up and apologize

I have seen my heavily overweight friend catch more hell from women about his weight than from men. It has given a serious complex that extends into his dating life...not sure what to make of it...but yes in general men tend to say if you dont like it, hit the gym and stop bitching.

So since this is what seems to pass as romantic, I've decided to creepily watch my girlfriend and order her to eat everytime I see her during the day, or randomly show up where she is and stare at her....then just randomly completely change all the defining characteristics of my personality to her suit her...

Yes the high level grunting is ludicrous not because ladies should not grunt...but because it is a clearly a mind game that has no place in the sport. I have done competitive martial arts for some time and the women getting kicked in the head or throwing a vicious hook, not to mention tossing around other competitors

yeah stop fat shaming cats, if I want a cat who can barely walk and is crippled with arthritis that is completely healthy and a valid choice not animal abuse in the least.

friendzoning is not about sex it is about romantic relationships. Stop telling yourself that so you feel better.

Some people are simply bitter when they get friend zoned because they feel crushed that their romantic intentions are rebuffed. Friendzoning is not about not getting to nail someone...friendzoning is "wow she is awesome, I spend more time than is healthy thinking about her...and wow I am just androgynous to

Agreed and hearted, we need to get our daughters into the world of politics as much as possible...they represent half the worlds population they need to take half of the role in shaping public discourse.

Am I the only one sick of people trying to validate unhealthy lifestyles by condemning every single person who speaks for a healthy weight as fat shamming?

Science shows men to be slightly more successful at something: Science sucks!

Made the exact same comment. The whole situation that has led to the rise of this horrific level of violence in Mexico and Central America stems from the incredible poverty that afflicts men and women both in the region.

Hahahaha it is so funny when men die by the thousands to violent deaths because they often pursue lives of crime when poverty and a lack of opportunity drive them to desperation. Now women will get to experience the same thing...this is truly awesome progress.

Yes because abuse one group is in power members of that group can never be marginalized or victimized themselves. Besides physical violence against men is always funny.

You are kidding right? been to a ton of bachelor parties...never once has the suggestion to go to a lesbian bar ever come up...we all know that would be in terrible terrible taste. 99% of the bachelor parties I've been to are strip clubs/casinos/bars