Americans ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Americans ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
They’re really poutine on a show up there.
I chose “Vin Baker’s Training To Manage A Starbucks” because the post is about Vin Baker training to manage a Starbucks. “Vin Baker’s Turning His Life Around” is vague and indirect. I don’t know how I could condense the main point of the story into a headline any more than that. Thanks for giving me the fucking…
That’s a completely factual headline and you’re reading too much into it. I have no reason to make fun of Vin Baker for getting his life together. You’re projecting a lot regarding everything here. Just because you cut your balls shaving in the shower this morning doesn’t mean you can get angry over a perceived slight…
What part of this post tried to elicit snark, you dildo? I wrote it as straight as possible.
Recommending TESO over Destiny is like recommending chocolate instead of strawberry custard. They’re both two flavors of the same flawed product. Smack Destiny around all you like, but TESO has serious issues of its own. Of course, because you’re pimping TESO, you won’t be mentioning those, or your argument falls to…
Old Spice High Endurance. Fresh flavor. Available everywhere you would ever hope to find deodorant. It’s cheap. It works. It lasts all day. It smells decent. If you have other criteria you don’t truly need deodorant.
Old Spice High Endurance. Fresh flavor. Available everywhere you would ever hope to find deodorant. It’s cheap. It…
Except for how Entourage was never good, sure.
Bad Kinja.
Sounds eerily like the story behind “The Shot” against the Cavs:
I remember my dad using that phrase as a kid in the 80’s. Maybe Foley popularized it to some extent, but I'm pretty sure that variation of intestinal fortitude has been plenty common long befor Foley.
Tell your wife to go fuck herself. I’m not even Canadian but the entire world has more respect for Canadians than they do Russians. Nobody give a half a shit what a Russian would think about them. It’s like me caring about what the crackhead hooker on the corner thinks about my lifestyle.
Three million copies of Titanfall have sold since it’s release a little more than a year ago. Not too bad for “half of a game.” Or I guess you’d say 1.5 million. People who feel burned have only themselves to blame. The lack of a campaign was a known factor. And how do you define “half of a game,” anyway? What the…
As a Bengals fan, that's my standard posture during the NFL season.
This is an insane thing to think and type, and you should feel bad for having done so.