If someone was very enterprising. They could have an even easier method for digitizing. Requires a Livescribe Pen.
If someone was very enterprising. They could have an even easier method for digitizing. Requires a Livescribe Pen.
@strideo: Exactly! We live in an age of 'try before you buy.' That's left unfortunately (or fortunately) some artists and/or entrepreneurs out in the cold.
For some reason this gets me thinking about Mystery Science Theater 3000.
My wife, always leaves actual cold medicine as a last resort. As soon as I cough in front of her she's got me taking Vitamin C and Echinacea. It's kept me from getting sick when my wife and daughter were both out for days. Obviously it's not a cure-all, but it sure helps when I'm starting to get a sore throat and…
He forgot four important words: "as I know it." As in, "destroyed the music business as I know it." People still buy music. I still pay for albums. If I don't want to buy something I listen to internet streams with ads. So bite me Mellencamp. Just because some people's music is good enough to be pirated on a…
vote: dealnews
Guess it's time to add Sega to my list of acceptable employers.
Excellent compilation! I'll bookmark this and keep it on hand for future reference and likely referrals.
As far as the system updates go, I was able to update to 10.6.4. I had to jump through some hoops to do it though. The sound works better for me in 10.6.4 as well.
I found out about this through AppMiner. Excellent find, imho.
I think it's great of the restaurant to not kick out some regular person who's just there to eat, to make room for the rich and famous. I mean, what did he do?
@Kaspir: I didn't think so, until I really started thinking about it. I'm thinking so though. Sometimes it's pretty obvious, overlaid graphics, et al. I'm starting to think that there's something to requiring publishers to disclose that images have been edited.
I saw this article on the page and thought "Bah, who cares?" Then I read it. Finding out that some publications don't let you know that they're posed seems an awful lot like cheating.
I'm seeing iPhone 4s pop up on Craigslist now. Unlocked and Jailbroken, about $900. So, assuming $200 for an iPhone, $325 for an early termination fee, we're looking at $525.
For some reason the image I have in my head of pulling bacon out of my pocket to answer the phone is very appealing. If it also smelled like bacon, I might be a lot more willing to answer the phone sometimes.
@Curtis Hoffman: Consider it a warning from the Eds.
We all wear the dunce cap from time to time. Thanks for owning it, Jason.
@MifuneT: It sounds more complicated than it is. It can get a little messy, wetsanding always is. Just get your sandpaper, start with something like 400 and step up until you get to 2000 grit. You'll be able to see yourself in it when you're done.
@MifuneT: You just need to apply more voltage. If you're gonna do that, you definitely need more cooling. I would recommend the ThermalTake WifeCooler 760i.
My wife wants to renew our vows at 5 years. If we're gonna do that, I'm gonna sneak a Star Wars cake in. Preferably the Death Star.