The Bullshit is too Damn High!

He was probably a hanging Chad.

Agreed, even if the disrespect was intended towards the flag it was directed at the failure of this nation to live up to it’s professed ideals and mistreating it’s citizens. No where was this disrespectful to the military members past or present.

Oh ma gawd girls dressing up in costumes...too much for my heart! Hurry fetch my vapors! *mint julip crashes to the ground*

Yeah so when you wear a symbol that is used in the place of Nazi imagery around the world where Nazi imagery is banned to show you are a racist. Then yes wearing it makes you a racist.

Tell me about it. I am from a Hispanic family but since they have been US citizens since the USA took over New Mexico about half the family doesn’t get it at all no matter how much we try to explain it to them. We gave up trying in interest of peace and harmony during family gatherings.

I really see no reason to even have the National Anthem at a sporting event that only involves teams from within the same country. I can see it more when it is international but not this paid DOD jingoistic shit.

You know what fuck all those villainous abominable misleaders of youths who still cannot comprehend that kneeling during the anthem is neither disrespectful (as kneeling is very respectful throughout history) and has nothing to do with the flag, anthem, or anti-americanism. There is nothing more important that trying

And once more people don’t even understand Robert E. Lee at all:

Naw they are brown no way would NRA condone any for of firearms use by this couple.

But he’s not actually in sports right now and this is Sports Illustrated!

And once more for the uneducated fucknuts who can’t even be bothered to learn about the man they are re-erecting a monument to like some kind of historical viagra:

I think what it comes down to is all these people think they will be the ones lording it over everyone else in Trump’s dystopia. None of them realize that if you are not stupendously wealthy, white, and male, and preferably related to Trump then you are part of the population that will be trod upon and treated like

Interesting how ethics laws do not ever seem to apply to the upper echelon. I never realized that the President and Justices and such were only acting ‘ethically’ because they were expected to. Course now that i seen a blatently unethical President I sure hope whoever folows him has the chutzpah to actually make

So when the country needs population growth and said growth is currently trending lower we are deporting immigrants we need and getting ready to tax families with children more?

I really do think the Kurdish independence situation has all the hall marks of turning into a world war very easily.

And why Scotland secession scares Spain so much they promised that Scotland would never be admitted.

I was a DC football fan since as a kid they won me a $5 bet with my parents about the super bowl winner that year. I grew up loving the team and the sport but then the discussions of how racist the name was happened to coincide with my growing up and becoming aware of the real world and it dampened my enjoyment.

They are all over Nevada once you leave anywhere even remotely rural. Sorry doesn’t work here either.

I thought she was this already on her previous show. Shouldn’t this just be more of the same?

But the courts have said those cops were innocent so there is no reason to protest. So of course this is disrespectin the troops.