The Bullshit is too Damn High!

Not that we could this cause NAFTA killing jobs!

I never saw it either and still feel it was just Romeo and Juliet in space with tall blue people based on the trailers and descriptions from friends who loved it.

I loved the original Elite way back in the day. Was so excited when I found out about this but man they made the controls just too damn much for me. But still cool to read about.

He really brings the ‘dick’ out of wanna-be dictator doesn’t he?

But he votes in California. 1 - it was never going to go for Trump 2 - we should make it illegal to post results of any state until all the states are done because that can lead to voters not bothering as they see they will win or lose and then oops too late.

Well the only sport he knows is golf so of course he goes for the low score to win.

And now he wants to pretend to be a senator. And sadly it will work cause fuck America!

Well of course he can’t read it’s really difficult for the ventriloquist to see the teleprompters when he is hiding under the desk with his hand up Trump’s ass to move his mouth.

Stopped supporting the NFL for many reasons but ultimately the massive amount of damage it does to the players was the biggest one.

Sorry his reasons for opposing this bill are pure crap.. It’s not the fact that it would harm huge swaths of Americans, especially the poor and women, but that we didn’t take enough time to talk about how bad it really is before I signed off on it.

And they won’t sign Kaepernick in 3...2...1...

At the same point they admit the Party of Lincoln stopped being the Party of Lincoln with the GOP southern strategy. So never.

The first thought I have every time I see this ridiculous woman is holy crap the pain you must have in your back. Closely followed by what plastic surgeon thought this was okay?

Totally agree I remember reading that article and just being like uh yeah who’s going to cook and clean for you when your money is only useful as toilet paper or kindling?

So having lived in Vegas for many years (though not there currently or hopefully ever again) I hope this is a step in the right direction it depends on the result of the case against the officer who committed this crime. If they convict him then the justifying use of a choke hold actually means something. If he gets

I read a recent report that feels the reason Kim is so very pro nuke is that he watched several nations recently give up their nukes/nuke/WMD programs and get damaged as a result (specifically the Ukraine (signed a treaty with Russia to return the nukes in return for a “we will never invade you” treaty obviously not

You know I find it interesting that so many wealthy are making plans for the inevitable fall out of violent conflict due to their greed instead of simply being less greedy and caring more about actual people...This is from a vague recollection of an article that interviewed several wealthy people who are busy building

Not like the cops will respond to calls they need to be at, too busy killing people who are deaf or have mental issues due to being scared and then taking a couple weeks paid vacation for it.

And I post this yet again simply to keep people informed: