The Bullshit is too Damn High!

They were too busy shooting at Irma to post.

don’t forget he covers her with a sheet that has a strategically placed hole.

TL:DR - LVMPD Police Union is stupid and hurting the cops with this action.

God Damn it’s fucking hot in here need to upgrade the White House AC units...Global Warming is a Chinese Lie!

Been using Soju as a vodka replacement its wonderful.

But the problem is the way body and dash cams are designed they can be turned off by the officer and there are few to no repercussions for doing so.

No they do not require any degree and the ones who want one will take literally any degree at all. It should be a full on policing/criminal studies degree program to become a police officer. Not an English major who is physically fit. And I know several people who did not have any degrees when they became police

No way did I see this coming I was so sure that Tomi’s character she plays on TV would be hired by Comedy Central since Colbert is gone they need a new fake right wing pundit to give us the hilarity of Pardoy while trying to smile through the pain. Since when did Fox News get in on this comedy routine?

What do we expect when compared to the rest of the developed world cops barely need training to be cops. And most of that training is focused on gun handling, use, and at the firing range?

And I post this yet again simply to keep people informed:

Yeah he totally reacted like scalding coffee was thrown on him with screaming, yelling for water and medical assistance, putting in a police report for assault...totally not a staged event with paid right wing actors to discredit Seattle.

Like I keep telling people I am not a Hillary Clinton fan, but god damn I was easily able to vote for her over the orange painted idiot bot that is in the office now.

No he is simply trying to rename them again cause Alt-Right is now spoiled.

But that Jesus was a Jew so it’s not like I have to listen to his Zionist BS!

damn take your one star suspension!

Damn it pisses me off that Trump is going to pardon Arapaho. My mom worked for the state of AZ for a while and she had to deal with his department for some documents and she worried that he was going to send his gestapo (deputies) to her home to intimidate her as she was set to rule against them and cost his

Having investments does not make one qualified. I mean I invested in a medical research firm once, but I certainly am not qualified to do it. Hell she probably didn’t even choose the investing herself sh likely has multiple financial managers doing all that.

Ban it from public spaces and remove the lost cause monuments as they are there to intimidate and white wash history erected many decades later. But no we cannot stop them from putting it on their cars and t-shirts.

Hey sheriff I had the sketch artist make a rendition of your suspects:

Thanks for that and I have to say I hope that stays up for all is so appropriately grotesque.