Where the hell is this monument (monstrosity!) located?
Where the hell is this monument (monstrosity!) located?
No they don’t do well in your ‘debates’ because they at least try to stick to the truth or science and also don’t feel shouting “Fuck You!” as loud as you can is how you win a debate.
Esports are not sports. Entertainment, competition? Yes. Sport? No.
Oh yay another pay 2 win cash grab game I won’t ever play....
You only need to wait a week if you traded/bought it off the market. If you won it/found it/got it out of a crate you can trade immediately.
I was a washington fan since I was a kid (they won a bet for me against my dad). I watched football religiously for decades. But about 5-6 years ago all the issues with the DC team name started to crop up big time and I began to question...then the injury issues and I just stopped because I realized how much damage…
So I have to wonder if these idiots in the WH realize that building this wall would be done on the us side of the Rio Grande and that by doing so we a re essentially telling Mexico that we give up any claim on it...Nevermind I’m sure they didn’t think that deep about anything...
Damn that sucks.
Not my fault he forgot step two/
I thought it was less age and more location. The more rural the less age had to do with it. In the cities age played a big factor...if I recall it right which I may not been a while since I checked.
Well of course he was arrested I mean he made the classic blunder of not staying small cause you can milk poor people for all they are worth in the USA or not going big enough like Bernie Madoff cause then you can run to Argentina.
The problem is there is no far right anymore over the last several decades the GOP has focused on anti-intellectualism and that has allowed the fringe elements to become the majority of the GOP. What you see now is the result of careful planning since the GOP Southern Strategy was enacted. I highly suggest everyone…
Did I say they weren’t? I believe I said “and to a lesser degree.” People are not perfect and never will be there will always be those elements and the modern democratic party is run by technocrats who feel tech will solve all problems (it wont). They do however have a better recent history with almost all human…
I know some games on steam when you buy the complete or goty edition it will discount the parts you already own. Not sure if Skyrim does this.
Yay! Good news... forgot what that felt like living in the USA.
/rant on
Maybe not idiot but stupidly rich from this stunt. I’d do it too for that paycheck.
Well that cements my not buying this game. I don’t play multiplayer very much as I have a family and you cannot pause multiplayer. Too bad.
Man if that’s true I’d take drunk Holder over sober Trump any day.
So saying it equals being fired but doing it equals paid leave for a few months?