The Bullshit is too Damn High!

Whelp my family is going to the liberal concentration camps.

I seem to find that most of the ‘erasing history’ crowd are the ones who are actually trying to make something atrocious appear heroic such as the holocaust for instance.

I do think Hillary is too comfy with wall street and is a hawk, but those were very minor issues compared to the giant orange turd that was looming so I voted for Hillary and surprisingly my state went blue. Do not like versus HOLY SHITBALLS OF DEATH! was an easy choice for me.

God I am so done with our “legal” system. As I’ve said in other comments it seems unless you are a rich, white, straight, christian male the system is stacked against you in horrible ways. And the fewer of those things that are true the worse the system gets. So much needs to be done but the first two steps is fix

While I cannot say they are wrong to take this stance I see actions like this between states as just another sign of the degradation of our unity as the a single country. And again I cannot say if splitting up the nation is good or bad but it seems we are heading that way at record speed.

Personally it makes it clear the cop is guilty of manslaughter at least.

Naw he insults you because 1 - you’re a troll and 2 - if you really believe this shit you’re spewing then no amount of evidence or discussion will have any effect.

If he went to barber college he’d have had more hours of training before being licensed. Better life choice in the USA imo.

This sounds like one or two holdouts (sadly I cannot and won’t predict which side)

But they were real Witches. I mean they were from Witchita.

Has it not worked yet?

Key word there is trained...which is more like lack there of. When you compare how long training for police in the USA is (its generally treated more like a boot camp than a real vocational training based on hours requirements in the states ranging from 360 to about 1000, iirc the average is 700ish) with almost all

But but He’s white so that means he cannot possibly be a threat to good ole white guys. I mean who gives a shit otherwise.

Blaming the ref’s for your lack of anger. This is a much better kinja take.

That is a good question and I wonder now as well.

C’mon lets start putting up Sherman Monuments everywhere he marched/destroyed! That way they can have civil war monuments when we take down the treasonous slavery supporting confederate monuments.

So this is why I had a false charge on my card recently...yay....

Holy shit they were actually indicted? Well I mean I doubt there will be a conviction but at least they acknowledged it was a crime.

Not really that answer is simple. But damn I see all those brawls and shouting matches in other nations’ congress and parliments and I want that kind of feeling here but nooo we just get cash it in and lie here. Course allowing massive loads of money in politics, gerrymandering, and the electoral college will lead

Oh I’m sure but I’d still love to see it. Would be the best re-runable clip from C-span ever produced.