The Bullshit is too Damn High!

You know what I would love to just see a congress rep stand up after a vote and scream at these assholes along the lines of “DAMN YOU MUST FEEL GOOD FUCKING OVER AMERICANS! HOW MUCH WALL STREET PAY YOU TO FUCK OVER YOUR CONSTITUENTS?”

To reply to McCain’s response to his dementia sounding questioning I would imagine that Comey did indeed feel that Trump was at the level of obstruction so much so he leaked his memo to get a special prosecutor appointed. And he admitted it which only makes me more willing to believe his side of it. That seemed to

Instead of all this crap can we just get Trump and Comey hand each of them a knife and tell the to whip it out and measure? Whoever has the smaller one is obviously the liar and must cut it off in recompense.

So I dropped from the NFL a few years ago and this situation just reaffirms my commitment to stay away from it. I was a Washington DC fan as a kid (cause they won me a $5 bet) and I stuck with them for most of my life and the NFL in general. But then the issue with the name came up and I was like find a middle

Condemning his soul? Does he think he’s the second coming?

Torch ... I it’s Jalopnik so isn’t all light provided by Torch?

“For some reason, this issue of guillotines has become a paramount issue for the nobility.” - Mike Robbespence circa 1793

Hell they still don’t believe even when it does happen to them...I mean look at the gulf states.

Sadly I am unsure if Pence is stupid. He believes the end of the world is nigh and he is one of the holy roller’s chosen so will go to heaven. Wouldn’t be surprised if he is this way to speed up the end.

To be fair to Syria...which I rarely want to...I believe they couldn’t attend the meetings as their officials are under sanctions or something. They might have joined also.

I am so this way now too.

Sadly though he has said that climate change is a hoax within the last six months so its still valid in his head.

It’s because all these rich evangelicals seem to forget a major passage....

So what escort service did he mean to be texting while in twitter app?

“For some reason the want of an epidural has become a paramount issue for Karen Pence” Mike Pence, circa 1993, 1995, and 1996.

The reason ICE is going after DUI and non-criminals? Simple, the criminals will shoot back so much easier to grab the peaceful, law abiding, and petty criminals.

Sorry meant - everyone who isn’t rich white and male

What a system designed from the basis of making sure slaves were returned to their ‘owners’ and making sure the filthy Irish and poors didn’t mess up the status quo that has never seriously been modernized the way it should have been keeps blacks down and the poor in poverty?

Its also why the draft dodger and physical fitness fearing Trump fetishizes the military because as a bully and a mental deficient he can only see force as the ultimate in masculinity and proof he is so great. It’s why he looks up to the strongmen dictators around the world including Kim because he could never really

Here is yet another chance for Police and their Unions to step up and show they actually care about police work and not police men. But nooooo they just have to go out of their way to say FUCK YOU to everyone who is rich white and male.