The Bullshit is too Damn High!

But trump has shown he will only listen to Yes men so they shouldn’t have fought him with facts but instead tried to convince him how he would see his popularity spike and ratings improve if he had stayed. Had they framed it as him looking good to the world versus him being an idiot before then he might and I stress

Cheesecake or cream cheese pie.

My grandmother is hispanic and she tells how she and my grandfather (also hispanic) had no problem going anywhere either the black or white parts of town, until the time they drove to Mexico for the first time and got within about a couple of hours of the border and sat down in a cafe where they were ignored until

Oh and update it is because it’s not named after him:

Well his dad must be so happy he is shortening his lifespan by draining his battery with exercise.

Must be awesome to make a decision based on pure bullshit and know you will be long dead before your children and their children write how they hate you for ruining their future just to give some people the finger.

Trump’s press secretary?

Hahahahahahahaha *deep breath* ahahahahahahaha!

Yay is this good news day? Please keep it coming I need a break from the depression.

Things like this just remind me how most people are decent its just that they get drowned out by the much louder, rowdier, morons.

I thought I read six months but another source does in deed say : “In the US, police training lasts on average 19 weeks,” she writes, while “in much of Europe that would be unthinkable. In Germany, for example, police train for at least 130 weeks.

He is a narcissistic personality and thus is incapable of ever admitting he was wrong. even his joke never says he was wrong. So I am not surprised that simply saying hey I meant coverage is beyond Cheetolini.

So I just cannot bring myself to enjoy this game, I tried when it was released but its just not for me. I do enjoy the FE games but really want one where there is more ambiguity and less clear good v evil.

That’s true too. I worked for my state’s department that assisted people with issues in trying to lead as normal a life as possible and they had frequent training in safe restraints until the individual calmed down.

Oh wont deny the racists angle as there are multiple reports on how that is likely but also the type of training a police officer gets also vastly changes how they behave. I think it was Salt Lake City PD that has dramatically improved their behavior by a focused effort on de-escalation training recently.

You’re not wrong as it varies from state to state and in Louisiana its the low at 360 hours I believe.

Good. Now I await the attempt to criminalize the burning of the racist flag of the south by Jeff Secessions.

This would make for a wonderful test article.

Fuck these forced birthers!

No it didn’t go away, but it has returned in the sense that what a society’s leadership approves of has a massive impact on what it’s citizens see as acceptable behavior. The more leadership frowns on racism publicly and often the less you will see it and eventually it will be very marginalized. But now we have