The Bullshit is too Damn High!

This all goes back to how long and what focus we give cops during training. Most police training is surprisingly short here in the USA and is mostly focused on gun use, safety, and such. Which is not surprising since they are generally only about 9-12 weeks long as if in basic training. Whereas in a country like

And the days until Trump mentions this counter starts up.

Opiates scare me.

Get this judge a snorkel. His head is so far up his ass he can use it to breathe through his belly button.

I only want the Cavs to win so I can watch the tears at work. Otherwise I really don’t care about either.

Look I can live with the DLC and the micro transactions (which I just ignore unless they are game breaking and not merely cosmetic), but what I worry about is how long before we do not own the game? I am concerned that I will be purchasing a right to rent the game and they can revoke that eventually. I love nothing

I was pretty sure the reason would be I am Trump. Just like every other time he has a scandal.

IIRC, which I may not and sadly cannot use too much of the internet at the moment, he failed his training in firearms for something along the lines of emotional instability per the firearms instructor.

Give em time to find new jobs.

It may have been the most appropriate she had. IDK.

Why isn’t merkel’s husband in that picture as the spouse of a world leader?

Shit just mail myself my luggage at this rate.

But they are worried about planes not people.

Well here comes a new Homestead Steel Strike. God I’m so tired of this.

They are only small government unless they get the opportunity to oppress someone then bring on the FEDS!

Wow another victory for the have that baby no matter what crowd. They sadly also are the why the hell should I help feed or give health care to that baby, I mean you didn’t have to have a kid! crowd.

But they didn’t they kept referring to him as having mental issues. Even if he did he’s still a terrorist.

Okay but they do not work that way. The disparity is far too great.

FUCK YOU Alabama Government! I am so sick of people calling anything common fucking decency as political correctness since they can’t be bothered to be polite and respectful of people other than those just like them. The confederacy was a pile of racist dog shit that was founded on racist dog shit ideas. Anyone who

I am unsure how I feel about this sentencing issue but I hate that we use solitary confinement as a state of perpetual torture and then wonder why there is so much recidivism in crime when we literally drive them insane.