The Bullshit is too Damn High!

I hope so. Even if he wasn’t the driver per their statement did anything happen to the two in the car who were allowing a 14 year old to drive illegally and erratically or was she the only one punished because ‘Apologize!’ from a cop now has the weight of law. This is especially troubling because if I recall what a

No the problem with using property taxes as the main - which is what most do - is that it creates wildly disparate school opportunities within even the same city just because you live a few blocks away. However it is decided to fund them the children shouldn’t suffer simply because of where they live so the

So wait, a driver was having his underage daughter driving illegally and was pissed she went around his car. Proceeded to verbally abuse her and get the police involved saying she wouldn’t apologize for avoiding an illegal driver? Not apologizing was enough to arrest her for evading arrest?

I love Torch blogs! So weird and entertaining!

Is the director’s name Nicole Kidman?

Which is really just yet another case of ‘not invented here’ syndrome.

Not surprised but wish I was.

How do you as a person ignore

Or you know evidenced by the rest of the western nations.

Yeah market competition is not always the answer. Thanks.

But those people would be no longer paying the higher premiums on the insurance they have now. So on a personal basis they would come out very much ahead money wise.

Unfortunately they have to due to gerrymandering. Which is exactly why the GOP pushed gerrymandering so hard. Makes me sick.

Well figure even with all the overhead and other issues private insurance has (such as smaller negotiating pools for pricing on meds and such) they still generally make a pretty good profit. Now a single payer system doesn’t need much profit at all just more than break even and we’re golden.

Fair enough, but its not like it stops him from tweeting his grammar problems.

I currently live near the bottom of Tahoe...only about a 1/2 hour away. In some unnamed direction.

I love mountains.

Why do you think correct grammar and syntax go hand in hand with having money?

Magnet schools was what I was trying to think of the name when I was discussing this earlier. The issue with magnet schools is they are rarely for grades below high school and that is what I see charter schools as being in so if we could move them to elementary magnet schools for the few who it will seriously benefit

The problem people have with understanding single payer is that they think of it as another tax - “Oh no not my money!” but they do not realize that Medicaid/Medicare is the most efficient insurance program in the nation as it doesn’t have much in the way of things like advertising, shareholders, or overpaid CEOs.

Is it wrong I really want to sit in that car?