The Bullshit is too Damn High!

To be honest this all has been brewing below the surface for a long time as the older generation realizes the younger has said their racism and hate is wrong. I keep the hope that this is a last gasp to try and force the social norms back to the fifties or so before civil rights messed it all up for the old white

That’s where the officer was. He was slamming the black girl around.

The fact he was commissioned should make this even worse but it wont. Because the Republican base has come out in the open and showing the results of the wonderful plan called the Southern Strategy. If the GOP had never done this it would still be the party of Lincoln and on the right side of history.

The kind that the FBI wrote a report about.

Well that was a bizarre look into a Clinton death I wish I had some mouth wash for the stupidity of the list. I saw one exists for Bush as well but it’s just as stupid.

But she’s brown so obviously a terrorist in the making!

Clinton Cartel death total = 106

They technically are not, but even most of the ones listed as non-profit are now unfortunately, but they were originally meant to allow for-profit (which is where they screwed up) and non-profit groups to try new ideas in education or to focus curriculum. It was a wonderful idea that has been misused horribly in all

I am so tired of him and his followers view that life is a zero sum game in every aspect.

I found what I was thinking of - Magnet Schools are the system that was before charter and was run by the school districts directly but often specialized as vocational schools or science/tech corporations were in involved. But they are almost exclusively for High School. I am just wanting to know why we

Which is why he went by a fake name.

Its simply that we call them charter schools I just dont want a one size fits all public system. Not 100 percent of all students do well in a traditional setting. One city I lived in did this with public schools before charter was a thing they had two high schools set up as vocational yet still had to meet all the

This is why I think they should be public schools themselves there should be no private involved they should just be a few special run public schools that the students still need to meet the national standards.

See one of my later replies. I hate that charter schools have been used to syphon cash to private hands from public education. I think charter schools as part of a public well funded and run education system can serve the needs of the public by being used as vocational or specific pre-college programs such as med or

If a school can support itself and be a private school do what you want in that regard.

And no way in hell do I think that is a good plan. Strong public education is a necessity for a good and just society. Which is why it has been steadily demolished in our nation. It is also part of being a successful nation economically as well since you can only run on momentum for so long before momentum stops.

Agreed, hence my view they should be part of a strong public system not a replacement or in opposition. They should not be private schools in anyway shape or form. I think they should be used as vocational and pre-specific college degree programs under the public umbrella.

According to, Dean claimed that he only went as a “student of history”so no he doesn’t get to be ignorant of its roots.

And that is the problem. If you want them to exist they should be limited, focused, open equally to all, and be a part of a strong public system. More like vocational schools or pre-whatever college programs for kids who know what they want in life. Not as any kind of replacement for a public education system.

Okay so here’s my take on Charter Schools - The vast majority are absolute crap. However some are not. Some are actually founded and run by people who really know education and are trying to further education for anyone and everyone. Sometimes they are more like vocational schools as where I live the best charter