The Bullshit is too Damn High!

I don’t think he can embarrass the USA any more. It is just one long never ending embarrassment. Just a continual state until we are finally rid of Cheetolini and all associated with him from office.

Sorry I have had quite a morning. But I have never had such a bad day that I would ever think a tirade such as her’s was acceptable.

And yet again I have to post this link:

but if being done anime style one season is often all we get.

Don’t forget the donation is tax deductible.

And god forbid someone be more intelligent than their ignorant asses. Anti-intellectualism with racism and a splash of nationalistic authoritarianism. Sounds like a recipe for fuck our children let em die.

Wow even Cheetolini should see that face and run away fast.

Forgive me Father for I have sinned...I lied about 275 times since my last confession. And I continue to support a racist xenophobe who hates poor people and women...

But it’s their turn to be the right wing oppressors! Everyone gets a turn right?

Again another incident which could have been resolved through words and de-escalation training. You unnamed San Antonio police officers earn my first heartfelt FUCK YOU! of the day.

Please do not give up on people and realize many are fighting with just as much hate coming from their experiences and surroundings which can influence them in negative ways. Not all can get past it, in fact most never will get completely past it, but many do. And many who do not know its wrong rationally and try to

Now they have ‘breakfast’ so Diarrhea before Noon!

I comfortably voted for Hillary even though she is far from my favorite politician. I like Joe Biden but really did not want him as president just feel something is off. I wish I had more options than just two and that we didn’t use a single vote with our dumbass electoral college (thank you slave states for leaving

Not this boys pintu! Nuh uh!

They would dump him in an instant if he supported removing confederate monuments, BLM, or socialized health care. I mean said he supported it not misunderstanding what healthcare in Australia looks like. Stupidity and ignorance they not only can forgive they worship.

I also boycott Walmart due to a conversation I had with a retired gentleman who I worked with part time (his wife told him he needed to get out of the house occasionally so he took an easy part time job and I was in college so I could only work nights). He explained how he had been a higher executive in Walmart and

That’s because the Men of Color are being deported or shot to death by the government.

The GOP are the party of forced-birth supporters who also couple the idea they are pro-life with fuck the poors, fuck the different, fuck medical care, YAY BOMBS AND GUNS!

Yet again another Republican orthodox follower shows us that they believe I mean truly believe in the Just World Fallacy - good things happen to good people and bad things happen to bad people and that it is exclusive that bad things only happen to bad people. So if you didn’t get that raise it’s because you didn’t

“The main problem is that its impossible to compete or win unless you spend a shit ton of money on cards to get a solid deck and have at least enough dust to craft a few legendaries.”