In fairness no one had time to read this disaster as they rushed it and said kiss the hair or else.
In fairness no one had time to read this disaster as they rushed it and said kiss the hair or else.
Words, I have none. Laughter I am overflowing with so thank you for letting me know this exists.
But if this was a physical disc on sale still I could hoard for later. Why shouldn’t I be allowed to do that with the same item just as digital content?
That’s because someone racist is right there in that photo. Him there making the statement. So of course the racist wasn’t in Fenway Park he’s right here.
If they were cops they would be hailed as stopping a budding criminal.
This coming from someone who supports the walking talking amphetamine in the oval office?
What the ever loving fuck? Apparently people still haven’t figured out that just because you choose not to do something (or quite literally cannot) doesn’t mean you can say no one else gets to do it either.
Hey guys hold my beer while I go and strip away assistance for the most needy while giving the weal;thy a higher score so they can gloat to the other 50 people who are even keeping tabs.
Seriously how many times do I have to say FUCK YOU! today due to congress and this cheeto colored putrid mess of stupidity and hate in the oval office?
All those religious leaders sitting there watching this being signed thinking yay I now get to try for theocracy better get their heads out of the asses because theocracy is only good if you are part of the religious ruling class. Look throughout history and even the regular followers of the right religion are still…
FUCK YOU ASSHOLES! Rape and Domestic Violence are possible existing conditions? C-sections? Glad you setup that exemption to be voted on seperately so you can keep you and your employees covered but not the rest of the USA? FUCK YOU! Must be a wonderful type of selfishness that allows these people to vote for stuff…
I would be fine with the Police if they administered justice evenly and fairly (they don’t) and if we spent the real amount of time to train them properly (in most western countries police are trained far longer and spend much more time learning things like de-escalation than in the USA where it is a mere…
OKay the only thing to be compared to Slavery should be - Slavery. There are sweat shop slaves and slaves where they take the passports and force them to work and such those can be used as modern day slavery. Having a crap schedule? Not so much.
What he wasn’t sexually harassing anyone, he just is very clumsy and keeps falling headfirst into dicks.
Here’s another idea stop using property taxes as the main funding source for public schools and give them all an even budget.
But this reply shows you are an educated hunter, whereas the majority of people who buy guns fear the gubmint gonna take my guns so buy more. Oh and that black thug over there gonna try for my wallet!
I swear I just read an article the other day on how not nutritious eating people really is. So he must do it for the taste.
Yay another law enforcement branch that can be filled with neo-nazi and militia supporters!
I didn’t like George W. Bush as president but cmon he would make an adorable plush stuffed toy. He just has such a childish grin when he’s happy.