The Bullshit is too Damn High!


But they’re French so of course they will go with the less popular option nowadays which is not choosing the insane nazi shithead.

I don’t understand how someone can be against renewable energy. I mean even if climate change isn’t real why not use renewables simply because you can? I mean if the sun or wind ever go away we’re screwed for so many worse reasons than energy production.

But on healthcare even the old create babies now since viagra is covered. Cause apparently ED isn’t God’s will.

Oh yeah I’m not saying women don’t enjoy shooting, I personally know many who do since I grew up in a military family and was in the service myself, but I mean few of them I know are actually members of the NRA and most are much more sane about gun safety and usage than the men who are likely to be using this card.

Can’t we all just compromise and do medium pancakes?

I mean what would SNL do if he left?

Andrew Jackson didn’t have slaves. He had independent contractors he conveniently forgot to pay like Trump does.

“while her personal political beliefs are socially liberal, she doesn’t have strongly held views”

Sliding into people is a time honored tactic in politics I mean its not sexual harassment if the slide into you by accident am I right?

“The hate speech from the 7th CD GOP does not reflect our party or the 7th CD. As chair, I will not tolerate this activity in our party.

Poorly written yes, meant as anti gay I highly doubt it. But I believe it was a bad decision to use it.

OMG some non white person is trying to make something! Quick call the police!

But Trump and the GOP (and to a lesser degree Dems) do not want an educated populace. This tearing down of education and rising anti-intellectualism and encouraging religion (Christianity only of course) to become involved in government is a feature of their policies not an accident.

As if the sheep fuckers in the back woods GOP have any room to talk about goat humping! I mean at least it’s not cow diddling!

I graduated from UNR right before he started playing there and I liked him as a quarterback here when he was a generally nice person from all reports and interactions. He went to the NFL and I think the money went to his head for a bit but he calmed back down and now we are seeing the man he is again. It’s hard

I am so sick of the Randian bullshit. She chose to use the rail system as her example of industry lead by ubermensch that don’t exist and as if it wasn’t one of the most heavily government subsidised industries and was purely built by hard working men. Also you know what else is missing from he philosophy because

I hope they do too I am so tired of more and more expensive public stadium deals.

Naw, I think that’s just a take.