How does he even fit in the race car with that ego?
How does he even fit in the race car with that ego?
That’s a good dog.
What are you talking about they are looking at character. It’s just now they like bad character because ratings.
Hey wanna know what this guy has never been and will never be accused of? Abuse of any kind, or murder, or racketeering. I have been accused of (and admit rightly so) speeding sometimes.
Thank you.
Yeah champion of free speech here as long as it is speech he agrees with.
I kind of lump that attitude under hate groups. To be fair when extreme left wingers acted like that I also tend to ignore them and label them as not worth my time (sadly I do admit to labeling people as much as I try not to but damn its hard in the current environment).
Sadly again this is due to the same Anti-Intellectualism I’ve pointed out before. The right (especially the wealthy and the hate groups) want voters to be against education and thinking. Faith is so much easier to control than rational thought.
It’s due to the massive tsunami of Anti-Intellectualism that has been spread intentionally by the far right and the hate groups. It is much easier to mislead an idiot than someone with any level of real education.
Fuck all you politicians, rich people, and idiots who decided their short term greed was worth so much more than the survival of the human race.
Get over it you lost! screams the man with a confederate flag. This will never not be less annoying.
Naw, NRA Carry Guard is only for law abiding white folk who kill some thuggish non-white person who scared them.
I always wondered why their food was shit now I know its cause he’s shit.
My time working in fast food nothing quite so bad but we did get drunk after we locked the doors saturday nights and just had drive thru and clean up. Other than that though we never had any real issues.
And are totally okay with nepotism, rampant corruption, tax cuts for himself and his fifty wealthy ‘friends,’ and fleecing the USA for paying for improvements to his resorts and covering his and his families vacation fees.
All Trump’s voters seem to fall into a few categories:
Unless actual balls are on fire during this event I’m suing for false advertisement. I want actual balls of fire dammit!
But odds are they are from Florida
Oh sorry forgot the /s
This is exactly why I stayed away from it and just replay the actual Fire Emblem games...I’m not nearly wealthy enough to get sucked into these games again. Made my only mistake ages ago. Never aga...oooh a Camilla.