Hey private prison system now you can join in on the technology free getaway bandwagon!
Hey private prison system now you can join in on the technology free getaway bandwagon!
But c’mon y’all he was probably putting his terrorist bomb together and his urine was the last ingredient so obviously they had to get this terrorist off the plane
The way he’s talking I thought the next chapter was his obituary.
So like a car do you have to get gap insurance to cover the cost of replacement when these get damaged?
But that’s because he would hire a lawyer to negotiate for that cup of coffee for him.
It’s almost as if he opens his mouth to make a good soundbite before he even knows what the topic is then has to change his stance on the subject when someone gives him the Dummies guide to said topic. Must be an interesting bookshelf in the oval office now: Dummies Guide to the Nuclear Triad, Dummies Guide to NAFTA,…
Bah data is the new four letter word in Washington DC. Please stop using that word it offends people.
Or you know we could just stop with the death penalty all together and save so much money and time in the legal system.
I don’t particularly care for the money in sports either if you want to get started. I’d much rather we paid people like teachers that money or use it to help with things like the massive infrastructure repairs and upgrades this nation needs. But again most of my issues in sports are the public funded stadiums and…
Don’t check internet comments if you want to avoid politics. Read the article and then move on don’t scroll down. It’s actually pretty simple.
Hey that picture of him walking with his wife is totally photoshopped I mean she’s next to him not the obligatory minimum twenty behind him. And he would never hold her hand like that he’d get cooties!
What our healthcare plan was only meant for you the poors who can’t afford healthcare anyway so we were being humane letting you all die rather than go into crushing debt. So pray the sick away poors pray it away!
Probably a good idea as my wife didn’t believe they existed and thought I had made them up until she googled it. Now she understands my fear.
Ugh sorry for not knowing and making the assumption. That sucks. Hope you’re in a good place and you are right you do need to be careful but as always with sexual predators and crime lords they both try to maintain the images of pillars of the community so many do get taken by surprise or remain in denial.
Remember more people have been assaulted in bathrooms by GOPers than Transgendered people but hey lets not ban GOP members from public restrooms.
Totally understand and my sympathies. Good luck on tomorrow!
A shoe man that’s dangerous you’re supposed to burn the whole house down I mean it was a spider! The only thing worse is a Tarantula Wasp!
Okay you win the stars for today well played!
Well considering trump’s administration just announced a very slight on details tax reform plan that looks to increase the deficit by many trillions over the next ten years today along with ESPN announcing these cuts that based on the money don’t make much sense it seems pretty similar since Trump was elected to run…
On a serious note Electric cars vs never ending murder since only human blood will suffice...I vote for electric cars.