Only by sacrificing an old VW Bug at the exact stroke of midnight upon the alter of absurd mods by removing a wheel and adding oversized tires.
Only by sacrificing an old VW Bug at the exact stroke of midnight upon the alter of absurd mods by removing a wheel and adding oversized tires.
Look I’m white and all I can say to these racists is what the everliving fuck is wrong with all you hate filled sacks of flesh filled excrement!
This doesn’t seem like a sustainable business though, I mean the German birthrate is lower than Japan and Japan is slated to lose 40 million in population in what the next thirty years?
Over/Under is Two.
Why can’t they drive the tractor then it’s gotta be more stable and faster right? There are some awesome tractors out there.
I’m sorry did you say something? I was busy ignoring you like a good male chauvinist.
A German family with more than one kid?! They must have had multiple at once or an accident.
Can’t have those poor, disenfranchised children find stable loving homes and mess up the straight to prison pipeline!
Because politics is generally involved in any thing nowadays. If you don’t want political comments ....................... turn off your internet?
Capitalism is a system which can work provided we don’t go off the Ayn Rand laissez faire cliff...damn too late.
Why should these cuts make any more mathematical sense than the proposed government budget I mean both a being run by out of touch CEO’s who will be fine economically regardless of the outcome of the company/nation they are running.
I’d hope I could do the same, but it is far easier to say then when you actually have to deal with something. I never knew how I would handle violent death face to face until it happened and surprisingly I was very calm at the time and it has never bothered me beyond thinking it was sad for a moment that they felt no…
I like these designs better.
So because they made a change to a joke with the letters KKK that originally didn’t reference the KKK in the US to avoid associating with the KKK as that was never intended at any point in the production of the game you have to take a stand against censorship?
So lets give all the prisons to private companies whose goal is to hire the worst and least amount of employees because they are cheaper and then make them be in charge of other peoples lives. Great plan.
The problem is the dementia symptoms Donald Trump seems to have I really do wonder how much he remembers any given moment about his actions the previous moment. The only reason I think Bannon has less influence on Trump than Kushner is purely the amount of time they have access to Trump. So watch for what happens…
I honestly didn’t know she was in Scientology and yet again am amazed at the level of cognitive dissonance money and fame can create in people. There are many other reasons for it as well but money, fame, and whatever type of bigotry you possess are the most common reasons I’ve seen.
Or the many various dictator’s execution squads or the soldiers in the many different genocides. Being a good x does not mean you aren’t a shit y.
Sucks this came out before she was ready to do so, but even worse is all the hate filled shit flesh-bags have sent her in response to it.